
ome a problem for him.

He didn’t get up for a long time. His physical body was once comparable to that of an earthly immortal, but now he was too hungry, and all the cells in his body lacked super matter.
Especially in the process of crossing in and crossing the spiritual swamp, the consumption was very shocking. For so many years, his physical body has been unable to get in or out.
“My degradation is not because the light of my soul has dimmed, nor is it because my understanding of the extraordinary has fallen into misunderstandings. The root cause of all this is ‘hunger’.”
He has no problem with mythology, his understanding of the extraordinary, etc. All he lacks is the extraordinary energy to maintain himself!
The Earth Immortal is so powerful, and the “materials” required to maintain it normally are astonishing, but in today’s world, there is nowhere for him to pick up the mythical factors.
“It’s so shameful that I’m so weak, I’ve been lying there for two days!” Wang Xuan finally got up. He almost died in the mental swamp, lying on the edge with his body for so long.
He clutched the Royal Dao Spear and prepared the True Creation Crystal. This place was very special and he was afraid of any abnormal creatures.
The fragrance of the grass and trees was very light, but it smelled very good. It was beyond his expectation that even in this age, there could still be a hazy and otherworldly place.
Of course, there is a high probability that this kind of place will not last long, but it will be extinguished slower than the myths in the universe.
“You can’t raise an Earth Immortal!” This was his judgment. It was even difficult to maintain the third level of Transcendence or above. His body told him honestly that he was still extremely hungry and could not get enough to eat here.
Outside the Great Rift Valley, there are some flowers and plants with a crystal luster, a small number of which are close to extraordinary levels. In some years, the medicinal effects of exotic flowers that are abundant can reach the second level of extraordinary levels.
Wang Xuan picked, selected, and judged whether it was poisonous, and then his whole body was filled with the fragrance of the medicine. He gulped it down to replenish his seemingly strong but actually depleted earthly immortal body.
“It’s a pity that no matter how much you eat, you can’t return to the Earth Immortal level.” He was quite helpless. It worked, but the Earth Immortal level was a qualitative change, and these energy levels were too low.
Afterwards, he ate all the medicinal herbs outside the Grand Canyon and the flower buds of the flowing golden clouds. After a moment, he sighed, he had also eaten roc meat and drank jade liquid, but now even the grass on the roadside was gone. It’s almost clean.
/“Is there a seal?” He looked at the khaki brilliance blocking the road, and he could call it a canyon, or a gap in the plane.
According to the records of the Yudao Banner civilization, this may be the place where two universes merge, and there are various anomalie

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