
ple and objects, it naturally has protection.

Naturally, it was so angry that it flew into a rage and wanted to stab the broken mobile phone to death. Are you taking a posthumous photo of it? Tired of living?
/The mobile phone strange object opened a golden vortex and ran away.
When Yu Daoqi saw the rare materials in the room, he wanted to absorb a few rays of the most original spiritual light to supplement the flag’s surface based on the principle of not missing it when passing by.
As for the Flagpole Royal Dao Spear, it is an innate object and was born at the intersection of the two universes. It does not need to absorb the origin of the strange object.
Yu Daoqi sent a message: “You go first, I can be there at any time. There are a lot of strange materials hidden in this alien dojo. Let me take a look.”
Wang Xuan nodded and chased all the way.
“What a strange mobile phone!” Wang Xuan couldn’t help but cursed.
The Royal Dao Banner once showed itself as a saint, but now it is sleeping. There is really nothing that can be done about it. But the mobile phone wonder came here at some point, but it never showed up, and even went to take pictures of Yu Daoqi? !
He sighed, as expected, the urinary nature of this bastard has never changed.
Of course, looking at it from another angle, his persistence, perseverance and perseverance in shooting are quite impressive. Over the years, this perverted hobby has never changed.
Wang Xuan opened his long legs and chased after him.
In fact, the brief exchange between him and Yu Daoqi didn’t last even for a moment, and the causal fishhook was already moving.
“Ah”, a miserable scream came from the distance.
This mothership was huge enough, even more majestic than the planet. The woman in the red dress was a peerless person, so she naturally moved very fast and was gone in an instant.
However, she could not escape the “liquidation” of the causal fishing rod.
In fact, the name of this fishing rod did not come from nothing. There was indeed a big cause and effect between her and Wang Xuan, so it was appropriate to use the fishing rod.
Five bright and bright big hooks flew in. They appeared out of thin air and could not be avoided at all. They pierced the woman in the red dress. Some of the hooks pierced her sternum, and some of the hooks broke her spine and locked her. Got her.
In fact, she just screamed like that and couldn’t make a sound.
In an instant, Wang Xuan raised his pole, and a woman in a red dress appeared out of thin air, covered in blood.
As a super peer, she has keen senses and strong instincts. She immediately realized that she was in danger. She was extremely shocked when she knew that she had been hooked on the cause and effect hook.
She knew very well that the greater the cause and effect between the two, the more miraculous this thing would be.
“Demon King Kong Xuan, you actually have five sets of fishing hooks?!” She yelled in her heart. Although the man was pretending to be a man in black, she could tell through some details that he was not h

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