
of Jinque Palace, Hedao Sect, and Shimmer Sect. How dare they pretend to be just a little white flower?

However, the group of people were not embarrassed at all. They all smiled reservedly and helped Wang Xuan decline politely. They were very united.
“Brother Kong Xuan had no choice but to take action yesterday in order to protect himself. I think he, like my clan, is a vegetarian and doesn’t like killing.” Even Xiong Shan from the Black and White Bear clan spoke up for him.
Black and white bears don’t eat meat? Who are you lying to? An Jingqi pinched the red panda in her hand hard, causing it to grit its teeth, but for the sake of the peach in its hand, it lowered its head and endured it, and continued to nibble.
/“I hired him at a high price, and I didn’t make him obligated to take action. I’m sure he will be tempted.” An Jingqi said dissatisfied.
She secretly communicated with Wang Xuan and told him that she would give him a chance to get close to a certain stranger. If he was chosen, they could travel together on the road of mortal life to find some kind of great destiny.
“Promise her.” The mobile phone wonder said secretly, and came out again silently.
Wang Xuan was startled, really afraid that it would directly start with the opening line: Golden Years
In that case, he will appear and be recognized by others, and another acquaintance Xuan Tian will be not far away.
Fortunately, this time it didn’t act like a monster, and it changed its form. It was a new type of communicator that I had never seen before.
Wang Xuan did not agree. He grabbed the mobile phone and said, “Let me think about it. Let’s add friends first. If we are interested, we can communicate later.”
In fact, the purpose of adding friends is to make notes automatically float out of the phone and clean up the mess.
The two became friends on the spot.
In the distance, Yuan Sheng’s eyes were spitting fire.
Xuantian was extremely impressed that the two of them didn’t fight, and they got along very harmoniously? He knew very well that there were very few people who could be friends with An Jingqi, and they even petted cats together!
At this moment, someone came to Xuantian and directly revealed his identity. He was from the Bronze Giant Palace. He asked him for information about Lu Renjia and asked him to help contact him.
/“What do you want to do?” Xuantian became vigilant, wary of the life and death arena, knowing full well that their background was very deep.
The man in gray said: “It’s nothing. We collect information about masters for a fee as usual. We want to organize a few duels. For example, An Jingqi and Zhuo Yanran are playing mixed doubles recently and are very busy. If they are willing, they can come to the Bronze Giant Palace to compete. We are free of charge. Provide a venue. And Lu Renjia”
Xuantian interrupted him and said: “You have made the wrong idea. For those two of you, please don’t even think about it.”
The man in gray nodded and said: “Of course, we know that we probably can’t invite the pair of good friends who h

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