
ne wonder suddenly said: “You don’t need to sympathize with this person. He is burdened with blood and darkness and has a lot of sins. You can control his mind and see his true past experiences in the form of dreams.”

Soon Wang Xuan saw his past. In the early years, Lin Mengdao’s character was not bad, until he discovered that there was a Taoist medicine that was about to mature in the declining master’s sect. He was so excited that his heart trembled, and he actually killed himself. Master, killed his two sons and daughters, and other junior brothers and sisters.
This small, declining sect raised a big medicine plant that fell from the sky. The sect was only a dozen members, so it was very small. Everyone was originally considered Lin Mengdao’s relative, but in the end they all died in his hands.
“Dream Tao medicine!” Wang Xuan exclaimed. After the heavenly medicine is the real medicine, and after the real medicine is the Tao medicine. Rare Tao medicines can be of great use to strangers.
Everything Lin Mengdao learned was related to the great medicine of Mengdao. For that great medicine, he did not hesitate to slaughter the declining masters.
Wang Xuan was about to beat him to death with a stick, but he thought about it and stopped. After a while, he used the Psychosis Technique, the Mental Coffin Technique, and the Demonic Embryo Technique to control his mind, give him various psychological hints, and create numerous memories, illusions, and dreams for him, constantly exerting influence.
Finally, Wang Xuan brushed off his clothes and left.
After a while, Lin Mengdao “awoke” and felt a splitting headache. He shook his head vigorously and tried to recall. Soon various “fragments” emerged. He said to himself: “I lost to Sun Wukong and escaped with difficulty. It’s really shameful that you are no match for him!”
Deep in the starry sky, several figures came very quickly. Ling Qingxuan arrived and saw Lin Mengdao carrying a pitch-black war spear. He was very depressed. He did not blame him, but comforted him: “This man is cunning. Even if you lose to him carelessly, you will still be defeated.” It’s nothing, let’s go together and continue the pursuit.”
She turned around and was about to follow the trail.
Silently, Lin Mengdao took the dark spear and hit Ling Qingxuan on the back of the head. It was so fast and violent that it was too sudden.
“You’re crazy!”
“What are you doing?”
Several people following Ling Qingxuan saw it first, were shocked and in disbelief, and then quickly stopped him.
/Some people punched Lin Mengdao, and some people used flying swords to chop at his head, but he ignored them all, looking as if he was dead and didn’t care.
Lin Mengdao only had Ling Qingxuan in his eyes, and Yuanshen shouted: “Take a stick from my old grandson!”
/“I#!” Several other people immediately understood that Lin Mengdao had been tricked, and that Sun Wukong had controlled his mind and invaded his spiritual dream.
Ling Qingxuan naturally felt the crisis. She really didn’t expect that the people around her

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