
ordinary images on the screen passed too quickly.

Wang Xuan pulled her aside and said, “Don’t look at it. Those mythical scenes cover a vast amount of time and space in an instant. In just a few blinks, an entire era may have passed.”
The strange mobile phone did not turn off automatically this time. It did not stop suddenly until a mysterious purple mist rose up and the sky, earth and stars were covered with dust and dimmed.
It asked calmly: “In what era did you see me? At that time, was your universe a mythical central world, or, in other words, an adjacent extraordinary central universe?”
The health furnace replied: “In my memory, our universe has never become the extraordinary center. It may be our turn one day in the future. In the past, in a very ancient period, I heard that we were only close to the extraordinary central world.”
The mobile phone wonder said: “I probably haven’t been to very remote places. I’ve probably been in the central world and adjacent universes.”
Then, although it was calm, it was very serious and said: “Tell me, how did you see me, in what era, and what I looked like at that time. In fact, I am also exploring these myself, but once some things are lost, , it will be difficult to recover.”
Wang Xuan frowned. Isn’t its amnesia just an act? Are there really some problems?
The health furnace said: “Many centuries ago, in the mother universe, I saw three broken treasures in an ancient wasteland. I tried my best to trace back the historical time, and on one of the fragments, I saw a dim The outline, now that I think about it, is very similar to your vague form just now! Either you made it, or you appeared there before.”
No matter how you look at it, it’s too mysterious.
The health furnace is actually very unsettling. The extraordinary sea of ??light and the wasteland with broken treasures from the extremely ancient era of the mother universe. Twice, this strange object is actually present.
/The mobile phone Qiwu said: “I don’t eat treasures. It’s not that vicious. I probably didn’t do it. Maybe I was looking for the real culprit. I might have passed by there.”
/The health stove is silent, as if you believe it? Show doubts and respond with silence.
Mobile phone Qiwu said: “If you think about it again, did you miss something? You mentioned the three broken treasures, and the trance-like scene seemed to gradually reflect the incomplete shadow from the deepest part of my heart through a layer of fog. , but a bit ethereal and unreal. I should have been to the place you mentioned, and then look back and see, there must be something else.”
The Health Stove thought about it, and it did feel like it had overlooked something, but it didn’t want to delve into it. It seemed like the real spirit was deliberately avoiding something.
The mobile phone wonder said: “Your true spirit is a little uneasy, and your mental fluctuations are abnormal. You should be aware of it, and you are also a little afraid. It’s really strange. I didn’t expect that when I met you unexpectedly today, I could connect

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