
world, another news has already spread: “The flowers in Weixu are in the wrong shadow, and Yu Lihenyuan challenges the Purple-clothed God Marquis Chu Tiandu!”

As soon as this news came out, there was naturally another uproar.
The disciples of the two Immortal Kings challenged the Purple-clothed Divine Lord Chu Tiandu, which had a somewhat profound meaning.
“Could it be that the two Immortal Kings of Wei Xu also want to see the strength of Little Tianzun? Are they planning to annex my ancestral court?”
“Little Tianzun, I haven’t made a move for many years. He used to be the invincible strongman of my ancestral court. Now, does he still have the strength to fight against the two Immortal Kings of Wei Xu?”
For a time, the undercurrent of the Demon Realm surged, forces from all sides mobilized one after another, and even many powerful demon gods awakened.
As the center of the storm, Xu Ying was unaware of this and was walking side by side with Chu Tiandu, traveling all the way. He has not received any news about Nalandu and Hua Cuoying challenging him.
The ancestral court is vast, but wherever you look, there are broken mountains and rivers everywhere.
They met many demon qigong practitioners on the road, walking through the streets in the town, and some visiting the countryside, looking for strange events that happened among the people.
Xu Ying stopped and watched, only to see that the strange events mentioned by these demon qi refiners were often livestock, humans, wild beasts or vegetation contaminated by the immortal way.
The ancestral court is full of abnormal areas of immortality, and there are very few places where people can live a normal life. When some people break into these restricted areas, they will be polluted and become very strange.
The magic alchemists go down the mountain to practice in order to deal with these strange events. They call it accumulating merit.
This is the method of dual cultivation of immortals and gods. Many demon qi-refiners practice qi-refining techniques while accumulating merit and doing good deeds, so that the villagers who have been invaded by the immortal way will remember their good deeds and seek incense for themselves.
Along the way, Xu Ying watched and was in a daze.
The demonic path in the demonic realm was different from what he imagined.
“It is the immortality that caused the pollution of the ancestral court’s immortality.” He shook his head.
/The two climbed to a high place, and Xu Ying looked around and saw the vast mountains of the ancestral court, broken rivers, and abnormal areas of the Immortal Path everywhere. The Immortal Path’s rays of light rose from there, beautiful and deadly.
In the distance, there is a huge mountain stuck upside down on the ground. The head of the giant god is as towering as a mountain, and there are animal bones and divine bones, like the pillars of the sky, but glowing with ghostly fire.
/Chu Tiandu said: “There are too many abnormal areas in the Immortal Dao, which has made it difficult for the people of the Ancestral Cour

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