
ing, but the performance of the adult dogs is the best. I even feel that Antarctica has human thoughts, although this is impossible.”

“Antarctica, let’s make our debut!”
“When this dog first appeared, I was telling my friends that it was so amazing. How could there be such an interesting dog? It can convey emotions to the audience through its eyes!”
“Turns out I wasn’t the only one who noticed the dog.”
“No wonder the subtitle team made a cast list for the dogs. The performances of the three dogs are completely worth it, and Antarctica is so good that they can make their debut on the spot!”
As more and more audiences enter the cinema, everyone loves Antarctica, not just the audience.
Lin Yuan actually received many endorsement invitations inexplicably.
Such as dog food and the like
Merchants asked Antarctica to speak for themselves by name.
Lin Yuan originally wanted to refuse, but after asking Anji about it, he felt that Anji was very desirable, so he simply accepted the endorsement of a canned dog for Anji.
Lin Yuan himself didn’t want to come forward. The person who took Anji out to shoot commercials was his assistant Gu Dong.
/“You mean, Antarctica can make millions just by shooting an advertisement?”
That night, when she learned that Anji had accepted an advertising endorsement, her sister Lin Xuan was so excited that she hugged Anji and kissed her.
“Sister, don’t you like dogs?”
Lin Yao was stunned.
When she and Lin Yuan brought Anji home, although her sister did not drive Anji out, she would never touch Anji at ordinary times. She had never been as close as she was at this moment.
“Don’t talk nonsense, we love each other very much!”
Lin Xuan looked at Lin Xuan and Lin Yao and emphasized: “At least I won’t force Antarctica to eat vegetables.”
After saying that, Lin Xuan looked at Nanji with a smile on her face: “Why don’t you make your debut? My sister can be your manager!”
Lin Yuan:
Lin Yao:
Are you Antarctica’s sister?
How should this seniority be calculated?
There is actually some discussion in the film and television circles about the popularity of “Hachi”.
Industry insiders once again refreshed their understanding of Xianyu
This fish is really strong!
From comedy to suspense, now they have even made drama films. The genres are obviously not suitable, but the box office is consistently high.
Moreover, the reputation has never been bad!
This time it was a historic breakthrough of more than nine points!
This makes it difficult for experienced film industry veterans to imagine that Xianyu is just a newcomer who has just entered the film industry.
Including “Hachi”, the cost of all Xianyu’s movies is not too high, but the box office is always frighteningly high.
The feeling is:
/Xianyu is very good at using small things to make big things happen.
Some people even think that Xianyu’s screenwriting ability has almost caught up with his composition level.
However, this statement was quickly refuted by people who knew Xianyu:
“Xianyu’s screenwriting skills are definitely not as go

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