
Chu Kuang’s reason for rejection is this time, can it be more arrogant than the “who else” he said last time?

Although not on purpose.
But Chu Kuang’s words of “who else” had already allowed Chu Kuang to successfully create an arrogant and domineering image.
Everyone in the circle said that Chu Kuang was as “crazy” as his name suggests!
More crazy than the people of Yanzhou!
And with the arrogant and arrogant character, even if Chu Kuang said “I don’t have time”, everyone would be able to accept it.
Not a big problem.
This sentence is so crazy!
There are even people who will worship Chu Kuang even more because of this!
As long as a person is talented, no matter how arrogant he is, many people will only take it for granted.
After all, many people just like this kind of cool and powerful man!
Although, this is all the misunderstanding of the world.
After all, it is across the Internet, and many texts can only be analyzed superficially.
The same words, spoken in different tones, have different meanings.
In fact.
After Chu Kuang rejected Bai Jie’s literary fight because he was “unavailable,” netizens’ reaction was just as Jin Mu expected.
“Hahahahahahaha, is it okay if you don’t have time?”
“It’s not very harmful, it’s very insulting!”
“I can already feel the disdain from the old thief!”
“Chu Kuang: Why are you Yan people so incessant? I’ve beaten ten of you, including the one who wrote long fairy tales, Ah Hu. What else do you want from me?”
“Chu Kuang: I have no interest in continuing a civil war with my defeated general.”
“The old thief is really arrogant when he speaks, but he must be domineering and arrogant in reality!”
“The Yan people have been dormant for a year before launching a literary fight against Chu Kuang again. They must have been fully prepared. In the end, the old thief sent him away without saying a word. It is really satisfying!”
“I can already imagine Chu Kuang’s disdainful expression when he said he was not free.”
“Old thief: I asked you last time, who else? You didn’t jump out at that time, but now you are more energetic?”
Others would also reject Yanzhou writers’ invitations to literary competitions.
But when other writers refused, they were very polite and their tone was very tactful.
Even if you make it up, you will still make up a reason.
Only Chu Kuang said in one word, “No time”!
For a time, fans and netizens were extremely happy.
This is indeed consistent with Jin Mu’s prediction.
Chu Kuang’s arrogance and arrogance have become deeply rooted in the hearts of the people following the last fairy tale one-on-nine and the deafening phrase “Who else?”
Besides, Chu Kuang is a master who dares to attack Honghuang!
/Who would believe that such a ruthless person is not arrogant or arrogant?
Therefore, even though Chu Kuang was arrogant this time, no one felt anything was wrong.
Few people felt that Chu Kuang’s words were inappropriate.
Early last year, Chu Kuang almost single-handedly suppressed the entire Yanzhou fairy tale world!
He has the qualificat

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