

One pass to ten.
From ten to one hundred.
As more and more people are exposed to this game called “Plants vs. Zombies”, this game has finally begun to slowly become popular on the Internet!
In fact, not only the small promotion online, Sun Yaohuo also arranged relevant promotion offline.
The next day.
At the Blue Moon Game Show.
Sun Yaohuo was wearing a mask and standing not far from a game booth.
On this game booth were the six characters “Plants vs. Zombies”.
In front of the booth.
A group of beautifully dressed girls held up a promotional sign that read:
After trying the game for ten minutes, you can get a 30% off coupon for any store under Yanyan Catering. Each person is limited to one coupon!
“Try the game and get coupons?”
“Yanyan Catering?”
“I know their hotpot. Their hotpot is very delicious. There are many branches in Sioux City!”
“Then let’s go get some coupons!”
“There are actually restaurant coupons at the game show. There happens to be a restaurant under the Yanyan catering brand near our home. Come and get some coupons!”
“Try it for ten minutes and pick him up!”
“Is ten minutes enough? Then just have fun.”
The game enthusiasts in the exhibition hall were originally not interested in games with a style like “Plants vs. Zombies” because the introduction said it was a small puzzle and strategy game. Most of the players at the game show looked down upon this small game. production, but this promotion attracted them, and soon a bunch of people started trying it out for the coupons of Yanyan Catering.
It didn’t take long.
Ten minutes are up.
The coupons have actually been obtained, but the people who tried it have not left. They even forgot about the coupons and continued to play there with gusto.
“This game is very creative!”
“I wasn’t willing to waste ten minutes at first, but I didn’t expect it to be so interesting. It’s a bit exciting!”
“The feel of a real-time strategy game.”
“Better than any other game at this show!”
“How do you play this game? Why did a zombie eat my brain as soon as I started playing?”
“You have to plant sunflowers, and sunflowers produce sunlight, which you can collect to buy other plants.”
“Holy crap, is this the idea of ​​a business game?”
“I checked and the game is available for download online right now!”
“Go back and download one!”
At game exhibitions in this world, many released games will also be promoted through the exhibition, which can be regarded as synchronized efforts between online and offline.
Sun Yaohuo, who was in the distance, looked at this scene with a smile on his face.
This game designed by my junior is awesome!
More and more people gathered behind him.
/Some do it for the coupons, while others see other people playing it, find it interesting, and have the idea to try it.
“Brothers in front, hurry up!”
“Ten minutes are up!”
“It’s our turn!”
“This game is interesting, let me try it!”
“That guy is so good, his brains were eaten several times by zombies in ten minutes!”
“Watch me clear the level in one go!”

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