
this time will be much higher than last semester. It seems that everyone has been studying sketching well recently.”

At this time, one of the sketch teachers said: “Recently, there is a sophomore kid in the painting club who is teaching sketch for a fee. This year, the sketch scores of the art department have improved overall, and I think he has a share of the credit.”
“I heard that too.”
/A female sketch teacher drinking coffee said: “There is a student in our class who has a very poor sketching foundation. After learning from him twice, his level has really improved significantly.”
“What surprised me was that the person teaching was actually a student, and not from our art department.”
The teacher who was drinking coffee lamented: “If you are so good at teaching, I must be very good at sketching. Why didn’t you apply to our art department in the first place?”
“Is there still this matter?”
Kong An couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows.
As an art professor who specializes in sketching, he rarely teaches students in person.
Occasionally, I teach students, and it is also a large-scale open class. There are too many students to face, and it takes half a day just to take roll call, so I don’t know this situation.
“I heard what the students said.”
The sketch instructor by the window smiled and said: “That kid’s name seems to be Lin Yuan. He is a sophomore composition student. He goes to the painting club every day for paid teaching recently. His price is not cheap.”
“Lin Yuan?”
Kong An asked: “How much?”
Someone replied: “Five hundred and one hours.”
Kong An was stunned: “Good guy, I only earn 1,000 yuan an hour as an external teacher.”
As a professor of Qin Yi, Kong An’s professional title is there, and he specializes in sketching. He is also a well-known figure in the painting world, so he dares to charge one thousand yuan an hour!
As a result, a student who had not yet graduated dared to ask for five hundred and one hours to teach sketching?
Is it cheaper to charge yourself?
Or is the student fee too exaggerated?
Are we treating our art department students as fat sheep?
Noticing Kong An’s dissatisfaction, the instructor drinking coffee sneered: “I can’t compare with you, the Taishan Beidou in the industry, but that kid does have two skills. Many students have improved greatly after learning from him. In the end, I feel that charging five hundred and one hours is quite worth it.”
Kong An emphasized his tone slightly: “In any case, you are just a student. This kind of atmosphere is not good.”
“Sure enough, Professor Kong, you think so too, right?”
Beside Kong An, a male sketch teacher snorted: “Actually, I don’t like this either. How about you criticize me? With your status and status, if you stop it, we can definitely put an end to this kind of thing.” Phenomenon!”
This male sketch teacher disliked Lin Yuan very much.
Because one time during class, he heard several students talking, saying that his teaching level was not as good as Lin Yuan.
I am a senior sketching instructor, and I get rea

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