
an artifact.

Whether it is forcing entry or breaking out from inside, it will take a long time.
This is what David saw. This insect nest may have functions that he doesn’t know about.
As soon as the clone of the demigod ‘Golden-Winged Beetle King’ landed on the surface of the insect nest, a hole opened in the ground in front of it.
The clone of the demigod ‘Golden-Winged Beetle King’ jumped into the hole without hesitation.
David discovered that these walls made of dark green slime could be separated and combined at will. Just like this cave entrance, which did not exist originally, it seemed that it was reorganized in order to welcome the clone of the demigod ‘Golden Winged Beetle King’. A long passage.
There are no other forks in this long passage. The clone of the demigod ‘Golden Winged Beetle King’ keeps moving along this passage, going deep into the planet.
The clone of the demigod ‘Golden Winged Beetle King’ traveled hundreds of kilometers in the passage and finally reached the destination, which is a space.
After the clone of the demigod ‘Golden Winged Beetle King’ entered this space, the passage behind him automatically closed and disappeared.
At this time, there is already a Zerg demigod in the space, this is the demigod ‘Electric Scorpion King’.
The demigod ‘Electric Scorpio King’ also saw the clone of the demigod ‘Golden Winged Beetle King’. The two sides did not speak, but David could detect the doubts in the eyes of the demigod ‘Electric Scorpio King’ through his eyes. It was obvious that the other party I don’t know the reason for coming here.
/There are no other entrances and exits in this space. Think about it, with the characteristics of the dark green slime, wherever you need to set up entrances and exits, they can be automatically generated when needed.
This is the most unique way of building that David has ever seen, but humans would probably go crazy because they couldn’t stand it in this environment.
After waiting for a while, another Zerg demigod arrived, the demigod ‘King of Skyfire and Phantom Butterflies’.
David also saw at this time that this should be the demigods who summoned the Zerg god-level clan. Since the clones of the demigod ‘Electric Scorpion King’ and the demigod ‘Golden Winged Beetle King’ are the fastest, they are The first to arrive.
The clone of the demigod ‘Gold-winged Beetle King’ delayed himself for a while, one step behind the demigod ‘Electric Scorpion King’.
As if David’s judgment was confirmed, in the following time, the demigod ‘Ice Silkworm King’ and the demigod ‘Dead Air Worm King’ also arrived.
In this space, five demigods belonging to the Zerg god class are all concentrated here.
The space is very quiet. This is the insect nest, the holy land of the insect race. Even if the five insect demigods are suspicious, no one takes the initiative to break the silence.
The clone of the demigod ‘Golden Winged Beetle King’ sensed the fluctuation of space energy, and the other four Zerg demigods also sensed it, and they all looked towards the center of the

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