
an’t imagine that there would be anyone in the world who could improve our strength again.”

what does that mean?
Fei Yang and Shu Yu both knew it.
Not only them, but also the first-line singers have spread the word about the effect of Xianyu Class.
This is also the reason why Xianyu’s class quickly became so popular.
/The core coaching staff has their hands full.
Not only do they have classes, everyone also writes songs.
Collect the songs composed by the music dads and then filter them.
The best songs among them are given to singers to compete.
The core coaching staff meets every day.
At this time, Yang Zhongming was having a meeting with the nine major head coaches.
in meeting.
Talk about the effect of class.
Zheng Jing smiled and said: “A group of us together, no Xiao Yu’er is popular among singers.”
Lu Sheng looked at Lin Yuan: “I’m a little confused, why are you so good at teaching?”
Yin Dong also lamented: “The key is that the teaching has indeed produced results.”
“I’m finally convinced.”
One of them, Qin Zhou Qu’s father, who had been defeated by Lin Yuan more than once in the season rankings, had no choice but to joke to himself:
“We are all head coaches, why is there such a big gap between being a teacher?”
Everyone laughed.
This is the line from “Selling Kidnappings”.
Lin Yuan also showed an eight-tooth smile.
Lin Yuan knows why the classroom effect is so good.
The system temporarily upgraded his teacher halo, and his already heaven-defying buff was strengthened, so the class effect was certainly good.
As for being too harsh on the players, Lin Yuan didn’t care.
The reason why teachers preach and teach is to solve doubts. Whether they are serious or not is not the key. The key is whether they have materials or not.
Everyone laughed for a while, and Yang Zhongming, who presided over the meeting, reminded: “There will be reporters here to visit the class today. Please cooperate.”
Everyone nodded.
The news that the reporter wanted to visit the Qinzhou Blue Singing Team had already spread.
In fact, the pace of all continents has been highly consistent recently.
Everyone will have similar publicity sessions.
For a while.
Qinzhou netizens are paying attention.
Netizens from other continents didn’t pay much attention to Qinzhou’s affairs.
The Blue Song Festival is a special period, and all continents are now focusing on the news of their own continent.
For example, on Earth.
We flower growers will only care about how the Chinese athletes are preparing for the competition, and few people will pay attention to the preparations of the foreign athletes.
And amid this attention, the official visit began.
Representatives from major media outlets in Qinzhou entered the music hall where Qinzhou singers were preparing for the competition.
Huge space.
Countless rooms.
Musical instruments are everywhere.
Professional music-related facilities.
The big-name singers who are familiar to the Qinzhou audience are carefully prepared under the leadership of

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