

If the military order is not completed and Zhao Jue is really demoted from above, it will be considered a major personnel change in Xingmang.
After all, Zhao Jue has great power.
As the protagonist of the rumor, Zhao Jue has locked himself in the office since the morning, lying on the chair with his eyes closed.
She fell into a state of self-isolation, afraid to look at her mobile phone, let alone her computer, because she had no confidence in this year’s newcomers.
“Didi didi didi”
Twelve o’clock finally arrived.
The sound of the alarm today seemed to be particularly sharp and harsh, directly pulling Zhao Jue out of a closed state.
Zhao Jue opened his eyes, sighed, took another deep breath, and then turned on the computer.
It’s not just Zhao Jue.
The entire Xingmang Entertainment, and even the entire music-related industry, is now targeting this newly updated official list:
Emerging list.
“It’s Love”, singer Qian Xingyu, composer Li Ran, company Shahai Entertainment.
Downloads: 88,500.
But this year is different.
“Newcomers” like Qian Xingyu are really special.
Who can compete with such a “newcomer”?
Zhao Jue also sighed.
/With envy and jealousy.
Then she decided: look at the results from the bottom up.
Anyway, the emerging list only shows the top 100 rankings, so it doesn’t take much time to read through 100 names.
As for the company’s newcomers not making it into the top 100?
Are you kidding? Xingmang Entertainment is one of the top entertainment companies in Qinzhou after all. It has a unique early resource advantage. If the company really has a newcomer who does not make the top 100 under the recommendation of resources of the scale of Xingmang, then a newcomer of this level must have Pack up and leave.
Zhao Jue’s eyesight has never been that bad.
So, there are only two names left.
This means that Starlight Entertainment entered the top ten twice this year?
Now there’s only one left.
“Life is like a summer flower”, singer Sun Yaohuo, composer Xianyu, company Xingmang Entertainment.
Number of downloads: 33,000.
Top three!
It’s the top three!
As the chief agent, Zhao Jue certainly knew that Xianyu was the stage name used by Lin Yuan’s child, but she didn’t expect that the person who finally saved her from the edge of the cliff was Lin Yuan, who almost caused her to fall off the cliff.
Destiny is really wonderful.
The consequences of being demoted are really serious.
I still have a loan for my large single-family villa.
Zhao Jue suddenly stood up from his seat and made a quick call: “Immediately contact the people in charge of several music software. I want their homepage recommendation stream, the highest specification that Xingmang can get!”
“Okay, congratulations, Sister Zhao.”
The person on the other end of the phone seemed to know what was going on.
/Zhao Jue smiled: “Thank you, your resources department should be more helpful now. After all, this is just the first day’s ranking.”
The ranking on the first day does not represent the final

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