
are some very awesome dances on earth, styles that have never appeared in this world!

By the time Lin Yuan fully understood Lan Xing’s dance, today’s live broadcast had ended.
There is a lot of talk about this episode!
“This stage is more exciting than the previous ones. The combination of songs and dances is simply amazing, but the most amazing thing is the peacock dance designed by Fish Daddy!”
“So beautiful!”
“Not to mention that Lu Shen’s song itself is better than his opponent. Even if the song is worse, I doubt that Fish Daddy can change the outcome of the game with this peacock dance!”
“Yinyin was dumbfounded.”
“Lu Shen laughed me to death. He actually asked Xianyu backstage if “Peacock” was a song he composed himself. This guy probably didn’t even watch the rehearsal results before.”
“As we all know, Lu Sheng is called Little Xianyu.”
“What little Xianyu? This is obviously a dance competition. Didn’t Lu Sheng score the music for “Peacock Dance”?”
“Seize the bamboo shoots!”
“Abigail made me laugh so hard. She even stole Yang’s lines. If the behind-the-scenes footage hadn’t been released at the end of the show, we wouldn’t have known it was so fun backstage.”
“It’s fun backstage in Qinzhou!”
“Fish Daddy: It’s time, I’m going home to sleep.”
“God, why go home and sleep? The whole stage was blown up by the peacock dance, but you just want to go home and sleep after get off work?”
After the live broadcast, the program team also showed some behind-the-scenes footage from various continents during the competition.
The reactions of different people backstage after watching “Peacock Dance” caused countless netizens to burst into laughter.
at the same time.
With the end of the show, peacock dance has spread throughout the Blue Star dance circle!
“This is the level of a dance leader!”
“This dance designed by Xianyu is really beautiful!”
“When we talk about peacock dance in the future, I’m afraid we won’t be referring to the traditional peacock dance, but to the Xianyu.”
“Yinyin actually dances very well.”
“But Yinyin didn’t lose unjustly. The dance and the song matched really well.”
/“Who said Xianyu can only save the game if he becomes a singer or songwriter? Facts have proved that if we dance well, we can also reverse the competition!”
“The strongest will have its own strong hand.”
“I’m starting to look forward to the next issue.”
“I wonder what kind of dance Xianyu can do?”
“If you continue to dance, Xianyu’s dance ranking will not be improved, but you can still reach the top ten of the dance list!?”
No one knows whether Xianyu will take action in the next issue, or what new dance it will come up with, but the peacock dance is indeed popular all over the world!
Zhongzhou has a video and social networking website.
The name of this website is Bic Video.
Because the founder of the website is named “Bik”.
However, the majority of Blue Star netizens prefer to call this website the homophonic “Bilibili”.
The earth also has station b.

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