
that I will investigate clearly next time. You should believe me now.”

Chen Zhiyu breathed a sigh of relief: “If there is no Xianyu, I am not worried about a head-on confrontation with Jin Shuyu. This is our frontline war!”
The manager lamented: “That fish is really annoying. Every time he finds a little-known singer to cooperate with, which makes us miserable. Without him this time, you will definitely get a lot of success.” Win!”
Chen Zhiyu’s heart suddenly jumped: “Don’t breastfeed!”
The manager didn’t know whether to laugh or cry: “Are you too careful? Don’t you think your songs are no match for Jin Shuyu? You must know that the song this time was specially reserved for you by the company, and the quality cannot be said at all!”
Chen Zhiyu nodded: “That’s true.”
The agent spread his hands: “Yes, this wave has stabilized!”
Chen Zhiyu covered his manager’s hand tightly: “Please, stop breastfeeding!”
I have been beaten to death by my agent twice.
Chen Zhiyu was really afraid of his manager’s words.
Even if there is no Xianyu this time, to be on the safe side, Chen Zhiyu must block the mouth of his manager to prevent him from continuing to poison his milk.
Car rollovers often result from poisonous milk.
The first two times were bloody lessons.
After a few seconds, Chen Zhiyu let go.
The agent said helplessly: “I understand.”
He felt that Chen Zhiyu was a bit arrogant now.
It was originally a wave that was sure to win, but it had to be done so carefully. Even if it was won, it would not be satisfying enough.
/It seems that the shadow Xianyu left on Chen Zhiyu is really a bit big. I hope time can heal everything.
“Then I’ll leave first.”
The agent found it boring, waved his hand and left.
Chen Zhiyu nodded, thinking in his mind: “Jin Shuyu probably deliberately avoided the fight between the dragon and the tiger last month, so he finally chose to release the song in August. Since everyone thought of going together, let’s take advantage of August and have a song together.” Decide between male and female!”
The same day.
Qinzhou Yangcheng city center.
The huge bird’s nest is now brightly lit, with a long red carpet extending from the door to the steps. Security personnel are almost everywhere in every corner, and countless reporters have rushed to the scene.
The finals are in full bloom!
It will be held here!
“Dear viewers!”
The male host’s voice was very loud: “After experiencing several rounds of cruel and fierce fighting tonight, the two places for the finals of this year have been determined. They are”
“Tang Yue! Tang Yue!”
“Xia Fan! Xia Fan!”
The audience responded extremely enthusiastically.
The voice of the female host was relatively clear: “Our live audience has already read out the names of the two contestants. I believe that the audience in front of the TV should be equally excited, but we may have to take a short break for a few minutes to let the two contestants The outstanding contestants prepare the next song, and the performance of the next two contestants will

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