
use number. But after I sent Boss Shen home, I immediately went to repair the elevator surveillance system. , I don’t have time to do these things at all, I think the security guard can vouch for me.”

Wei Renwu also said with a smile: “It is true that you don’t have time to do these things, and I never said that you did these things.”
/Duke was surprised and asked, “Who else could it be if it wasn’t him?”
Wei Renwu stood up and walked towards Xiao Hua’s bedroom. As he walked, he said: “If one person can’t do it, it must be done by two people, and that person is also in this room.”
The door to Xiao Hua’s bedroom was closed. Wei Renwu opened the door and shouted inside: “You can come out now, ex-Mrs. Xiao.”
9. Stealing a dragon and turning into a phoenix
Not long after, a woman came out of Xiao Hua’s bedroom, a young and beautiful woman.
That’s right, it was indeed Liu Ruyan. Liu Ruyan walked out with her head lowered. She didn’t want others to see her face because she felt extremely ashamed. In fact, she had just been hiding in the closet, although she could only vaguely hear what was going on outside. There was no movement, but she could still hear clearly what was roughly said outside.
/When Liu Ruyan came out, Duke was of course very surprised, and Yue Ming was also unexpected. Yue Ming shouted in surprise: “So she is here too.”
“Of course, this is the real reason why Mr. Xiao tried his best to prevent us from coming in.” Wei Renwu said it very lightly, as if Liu Ruyan’s sudden appearance was a matter of course.
Xiao Hua’s face was ashen at this time, and there was no trace of blood on his whole face.
Liu Ruyan walked to Xiao Hua’s side, turned her face aside, and did not dare to say a word.
Wei Renwu continued: “Liu Ruyan played a vital role in Xiao Hua’s entire action. The two of them faked their divorce just to make others think that they had nothing to do with each other. After the divorce, they used different The way to curry favor with Shen Wende is to quickly get rid of Shen Wende’s control.”
“Stop talking.” Xiao Hua’s voice was low and frustrated. The arrogance he had just to confront Duke and Wei Renwu had been completely extinguished.
“Say, why don’t you say it? Keep talking.” One by one, Duke’s arrogance was rising.
Wei Renwu chuckled and continued: “First of all, the two of them fawned over Shen Wende and dispelled Shen Wende’s wariness against them, especially Liu Ruyan, and even got the key to Shen Wende’s house. After enduring the humiliation for more than a year, finally the night before yesterday, Kill Shen Wende.”
“So how do they divide the work?” Yue Ming, who had not spoken for a long time, raised his own question this time.
“One is responsible for changing the surveillance videos on the 11th and 12th floors, and the other is responsible for arranging the on-site change between the 11th and 12th floors. With the division of labor, this matter is much simpler to do.”
“Can you explain it in more detail?” Duke touched his big head, seeming to understand.
“I have just said what X

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