
breath he exhaled rapidly splitting and shattering in the great void.

He turned his head, and Changsun Shenghai came into his eyes.
Xu Ying smiled and said leisurely: “Shenghai, we meet again.”
Changsun Shenghai’s aura is now majestic and boundless, and he is also at the end of the road. However, it has been more than ten thousand years since he entered the Yuanshi Taoist Temple. These years of hard training and enlightenment have made his Taoism extremely high.
If he takes one further step, he can aspire to the Yuanshi Dao realm!
/Xu Ying could see that the depth and breadth of his Dao had already caught up with his own. It was obvious that his practice at Yuanshi Dao Hall had made him make too much progress.
Changsun Shenghai looked sad and said: “Uncle Xu, senior Dao Yin, should have died in your hands, right?”
Xu Ying said in surprise: “How did you end up with Dao Yin dying in my hands? That’s right. You rode Dao Yin’s donkey to the Universe Cemetery. I think it was Dao Yin who ordered Master Shi De to carry you to see the Dao Emperor. Please ask the Tao Emperor to let you come here to practice.”
He fell silent.
Before Dao Yin fought with him, he once said that Changsun Shenghai had asked Dao Yin to plead for him not to hurt Xu Ying’s life.
Dao Yin was very kind to Changsun Shenghai, but he became the biggest enemy who killed his benefactor.
Xu Ying looked at his eldest son, Shenghai, and after a moment, he said: “I have always been grateful to Senior Brother Shenghai for his guidance to me when I was on the other side. Become your fellow Taoist, and let me understand the meaning in dangerous places like the other side. It’s time for friendship.”
Changsun Shenghai walked past him and walked towards the Sea of ??Chaos along the avenue opened by the Tao Emperor. His voice came: “You and I were fellow Taoists in the past, but we will no longer be.”
When he was about to enter the Sea of ??Chaos, he suddenly stopped and turned his head and said, “After reading all the classics in the Yuanshi Dao Palace, I realized that only by opening up the Sea of ??Chaos can we see the true nature of the Dao. Master Xu, don’t go back to the Sea of ??Chaos.” Yes, I don’t want you to become my enemy.”
He lifted his feet and walked into the sea of ??chaos.
Xu Ying stood in front of the Taoist Hall and remained silent for a long time. He stood up and hung the big bell under the eaves of the Yuanshi Taoist Hall.
“Master Zhong, will one day I don’t even recognize myself?”
He stood in front of the Taoist temple, with his back to the void, and murmured in a low voice, sadly, “One day, I will raise the butcher knife against my former Taoist friends. Do you think I was still the young man who caught snakes at that time? ”
Two lines of clear tears fell from his cheeks, the big clock shook, and I didn’t know how to comfort him.
Xu Ying waited for a long time, but did not hear the bell, so he walked into the Yuanshi Taoist Hall.
Xuanyuan Great Heavenly Lord, Supreme Saint Heavenly Lord and others are destroying his layout,

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