
d not come alone. He brought a total of four people. The five people were all dressed in police uniforms and surrounded Yue Ming and Long Qian’s dining table.

“Captain Zhang, what do you mean?” Yue Ming said angrily.
Zhang Feng said extremely seriously: “Xiaoyue, this matter has nothing to do with you. We are here to see Master Long.”
“What did Brother Qian do? Why are you looking for him?” Yue Ming was even more confused. Long Qian was released by the police, which proved that Long Qian was innocent. Zhang Feng was not a good person this time and was definitely not looking for Long Qian for personal matters. of.
Long Qian said at this time: “Xiaoyue, don’t ask, maybe this police officer just asked me to cooperate with the investigation.”
Zhang Feng shook his head and said: “No, I’m not here to ask you to go back and cooperate. I’m here to arrest you. This is an arrest warrant.” As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Feng showed an arrest warrant.
Why is this happening? Yue Ming became more and more puzzled.
Zhang Feng put away the arrest warrant and said to Long Qian: “Long Qian, you are suspected of murdering two people. Now I officially announce your arrest. You can remain silent, but every word you say will be used as evidence in court. ”
“Catch me? What evidence do you have?” Long Qian looked relaxed, as if the person Zhang Feng wanted to arrest was not him.
Zhang Feng added: “The evidence is already in the Public Security Department. Long Qian, I’m warning you again. I’m not discussing with you. I’m ordering you to get up immediately and follow me back to the police station.”
“There must be a misunderstanding here.” Yue Ming stood up and tried his best to explain.
/Long Qian stood up at this time. He comforted Yue Ming and said: “Xiao Yue, don’t worry. If I am innocent, it doesn’t matter if I go back with them again. Just like last time, they will still let me go. But This time I will definitely pursue it to the end.”
/Zhang Feng’s face was expressionless and he didn’t care about Long Qian’s threat. He motioned to his men and said: “Hand on and take away.”
Long Qian cannot resist, especially in public. He is a public figure, and his words and deeds will be magnified. Although now he has caused a lot of discussion among the people around him, everyone is saying what happened to Long Qian? Why was he taken away by the police again? Is he really a murderer?
Long Qian’s current image has been greatly compromised. He cannot confront the police, and to add fuel to the fire on his own image, he must keep smiling and cooperate with the police, at least to prove that he is not guilty. Latest and fastest update
“You can’t take him away.” Yue Ming stopped in front of Zhang Feng.
“Get out of the way, do you know what you are doing?” Zhang Feng scolded Yue Ming angrily.
At this time, more and more people gathered around, and from time to time some people took photos of Long Qian and the police.
Yue Ming said solemnly: “Brother Qian is innocent, Captain Zhang, you can’t take him away.”
Zhang Feng shouted: “

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