
rent now. Ancient people like Zhao Yun attached great importance to sworn worship, and some even had sworn brothers who were closer than real brothers.

Although Zhao Yun valued the sworn vows, he did not have the luxury to gather all the soldiers to witness.
In any case, this sworn vow is just a private matter.
But even so, there is an incense table in the school grounds, with an incense burner placed on it. Behind the incense burner are two wooden signs, with the words Huang Tian, ??Hou Tu, etc. written on them respectively. In front of the incense burner, there are two wine glasses. There was wine inside, and I don’t know where the wine came from.
As for the surrounding crowd, there were people watching the ceremony, including high-ranking officers such as school captains and military commanders, as well as low-level officers such as camp commanders and team leaders.
Seeing Wei Xiaobei looking at the incense case, Zhao Yun chuckled: “The military camp is a little shabby, which makes little brother Wei laugh.”
At this time, the two of them had not yet become sworn brothers, so Zhao Yun naturally called him Little Brother Wei in public.
“This is already very grand.”
Wei Xiaobei waved his hand. He didn’t dare to be picky. He knew how much importance the Han Dynasty attached to sworn sworn vows. It was not too late to be happy. Even a handful of loess was enough to make him excited.
/There was nothing surprising about the whole sworn ceremony. When Zhao Yun and Wei Xiaobei came to the incense table, they first cut their wrists and put the blood into the wine glass. Then they knelt down to burn incense and pray to heaven and earth, asking heaven and earth to witness that they They are not real brothers, but they are willing to become brothers. They do not want to be born in the same year, the same month and the same day, but they want to die in the same year, the same month and the same day. From then on, the two brothers treat each other with sincerity, just like blood relatives.
After that, the two of them inserted the sandalwood in their hands into the incense burner, each took a glass of blood wine, and drank it in one gulp.
The wine mixed with the blood of the two people was poured into the body, which meant that the two people were connected by blood and officially became brothers.
At this point, the entire sworn ceremony is over.
“Second brother!” Zhao Yun felt a little distant from Wei Xiaobei before, but after becoming sworn friends, he suddenly became much more affectionate and called out affectionately when he looked at Wei Xiaobei.
To be honest, before Wei Xiaobei called out Big Brother, he thought he would be so sick that he wanted to vomit, but for some reason, after drinking the glass of blood wine, he inexplicably became a little more affectionate towards Zhao Yun. Being affectionate made my heart feel hot, and I screamed out without even realizing it.
“Come on, second brother, the eldest brother will introduce you.”
/His eldest brother turned out to be Zhao Yun!
To be honest,

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