
t possible time to check on the fire dragon. movements, and then return to reality to see how that kid Huang Kun is doing.

Although the electromagnetic field seemed useless, Wei Xiaobei still turned on the electromagnetic field. After all, turning on the electromagnetic field did not seem to consume much current.
To find out the real use of the electromagnetic field, Wei Xiaobei felt that keeping it on all the time would be a good way.
Just as Wei Xiaobei crossed the parapet, the electromagnetic field passed by the rusty lightning rod, and Wei Xiaobei noticed that a trace of electricity was suddenly consumed.
What’s going on?
Without thinking, Wei Xiaobei stretched out his right hand and grabbed the female wall, and his body immediately swung back from the air.
Yes, the current drained a little more.
Wei Xiaobei’s eyes immediately fell on the rusty lightning rod that was about to be completely scrapped.
That’s right!
Wei Xiaobei suddenly realized that this was the case.
In fact, perhaps even junior high school students should be able to answer this question.
What happens when metal is cut by an electromagnetic field?
bingo! you are right!
Yes, electricity can appear in metals!
Of course, to be precise, it should be called a conductor.
/Then the true usefulness of this electromagnetic field is revealed.
As long as something made of metal moves from the electromagnetic field, an electric current will be generated in the metal object!
The rusty lightning rod was not very useful for testing, so Wei Xiaobei took out a big gun from his storage bag.
Well, this big gun is not the Baiwu Divine Power Gun, but the companion gun of the Baiwu Divine Power Gun.
Compared with the White Mist Divine Power Gun, the power of this big gun is naturally much inferior. If it is not integrated with the effect produced by the White Mist Divine Power Gun, then this big gun is just an ordinary iron gun, that is It’s just sharp.
Wei Xiaobei waved the iron gun in his own electromagnetic field, and then Wei Xiaobei’s hand holding the iron gun felt the flow of electricity.
Of course, for Wei Xiaobei, the electric current generated in this iron gun has no lethality at all, but if an ordinary person is holding on to this iron gun, he will probably be shocked by the current and let go.
The voltage of this current, the so-called electromotive force, should be about fifty volts, and the current intensity should be twenty milliamperes.
Next, Wei Xiaobei did not stop on the roof. After jumping off the small building, he rushed towards the desert area, but he kept experimenting with the iron gun in his hand.
The results of each trial vary due to the presence of various factors.
/But no matter what, the current intensity and voltage generated in the iron gun cannot exceed the current directly released by Wei Xiaobei. As for where this limit is, we need to return to reality and use instruments to measure it.
There is no doubt that the power of this special ability is that as long as the enemy holds a metal weapon and enters his own

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