
nsters are worried that they will be taken back by the king if they don’t eat them all, or if this is how they originally eat.

The shrimp monsters emit granular feces from their tails while gnawing.
This is the real-life version of eating and pulling.
But the next moment Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but hum, and then ordered the shrimp monsters to pile up their feces in one place.
Under the knowledgeable eyes, the attributes of these feces naturally appeared.
Name: Shrimp Demon Feces (Boutique)
Introduction: This product is the excrement of the shrimp demon. Since it contains a small amount of residual demon energy, it is a top-grade fertilizer and can be used in conjunction with other fertilizers.
Effect 1: Increase plant growth speed by 100%.
Effect 2: Improve the absolute chance of plant quality variation by 2 out of 10,000.
Effect three: Increase the probability of plant demonization by 3%.
Undoubtedly, its effect is much stronger than that of Gray Realm Fertilizer, and it also has an additional chance of demonization.
But thinking about it, this is fresh feces, and the Ash Realm fertilizer is refined from the Ash Realm bone residue. The Ash Realm bone residue is the remains of corpses left by Wei Xiaobei using shredded meat to extract flesh and blood. This effect Naturally it’s not the same.
However, these two fertilizers happen to be used on Weijia Island. You must know that although Weijia Island is covered with soil, the soil is basically forest soil that lacks fertility, dregs, etc., rather than mature soil from fertile fields.
If you want to grow food on it, you will probably need a lot of chemical fertilizers, but even if you release a large amount of chemical fertilizers, it may not be able to improve the soil quality much.
If these two fertilizers are released continuously, the effect on soil transformation will be obvious.
Wei Xiaobei had already stocked up on the gray world fertilizer, and now it seemed like he should stock up on some of this demon dung.
There is less space to store the bracelet.
This question came to mind again.
The only way Wei Xiaobei can increase the space of his storage bracelet is to find Qi Si Yunv.
I just don’t know how to find Qisi Yunv?
Wei Xiaobei was a little worried, but he could only take one step at a time.
Those shrimp monsters ate very quickly and pooped very fast. In less than an hour, they turned the pile of yellow crab monster corpses into a pile of feces high on the beach.
These granular feces are about the size of a fist, but they are not very smelly. When you smell them, there is only a faint smell of sea.
Wei Xiaobei picked up one and squeezed it. It was relatively hard, and even the water inside was drained when the shrimp demon pulled it off.
Wei Xiaobei patted Xiasan on the back and praised him with satisfaction.
/Although Xiasan didn’t know what the king wanted the excrement for, it was pretty good to be able to command those shrimp monsters to this extent.
It is not unreasonable for people in power to prefer such considerat

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