
energy outside the body of the female shrimp demon could not stop the tearing of these young shrimps.

Several female shrimp monsters quickly disappeared into the group of young shrimps.
Too brutal.
Eventually, when those young shrimps grew to arm length, they stopped growing and returned to the vicinity of shrimp three, taking turns to come forward and feed shrimp three a certain liquid.
After these juvenile shrimps grow into adult shrimps, their strength is close to that of a two-star ordinary shrimp, and some of the outstanding ones will break through to a two-star ordinary shrimp.
Don’t underestimate them. Although they are very weak, when they gather into a group, even the Blue Crab Demon King may need to retreat three points.
There is no doubt that this is a new biological race, somewhat similar to the ant biological race.
/The only trouble is if these shrimps, well, Wei Xiaobei named them Demon Eater Shrimps.
Yes, they seem to have a greater appetite for monsters with youkai.
Later, Wei Xiaobei communicated in his mind with Xiasan who was busy laying eggs.
Xiasi San also failed to explain this clearly.
In short, according to Xiasi San, it can roughly command these demon-eating shrimps, but if it is not commanded temporarily, these demon-eating shrimps will act on their own according to certain rules.
Of course, it didn’t know that the offspring it gave birth to had actually eaten all of its own kind.
/In any case, having these demon-eating shrimps in this area is not good news for Wei Xiaobei.
The reason is simple, they will eat up the sea near the beach.
Later, Wei Xiaobei simply changed the location of Xiashi San and moved it to a place five nautical miles away from the beach.
This is the intersection of the edges of several demon kings’ territories. The food is relatively abundant, which is enough for these demon-eating shrimps to grow and develop, and it can also provide sufficient protection for the sea area around the beach.
Place Shrimp San here and put the Fire Dragon aside to guard him.
This is also a helpless thing. After the demon-eating shrimps produced by shrimp three form a certain number, they will be very powerful. However, the number of less than a million now is of little use. If you encounter powerful monsters, use decapitation tactics. , those demon-eating shrimps will be temporarily useless.
After settling Xiasan, Wei Xiaobei returned to Ao Yan.
At this time, Ao Yan came to his senses, asked Wei Xiaobei for a bunch of food, and ate it happily.
Wei Xiaobei communicated with him for a while and learned some things, mainly about weapon refining.
After Ao Yan fell asleep again, Wei Xiaobei left the gray world without wasting any more time.
When Wei Xiaobei returned to reality and appeared in his room again, he found that his cell phone was about to explode.
After a closer look, there were more than a hundred missed calls on the phone, and they were all from one person.
Xu Feiyang!
Head of the Cuihu City Investigation Team of the Investigation Committee, a subsidiary of

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