
have forgotten when that happened. I just remember that it happened a long, long time ago. I was not a police officer at that time, and I didn’t even have the name police officer, and I killed A person. To be honest, I don’t know how I killed that person. I only know that when I woke up, I was lying on the floor. The ground was covered with blood. My body was covered with blood. The blood on my body. It comes from both me and the dead person. The blood on the ground comes from the person I killed.

have forgotten when that happened. I just remember that it happened a long, long time ago. I was not a police officer at that time, and I didn’t even have the name police officer, and I killed A person. To be honest, I don’t know how I killed that person. I only know that when I woke up, I was lying on the floor. The ground was covered with blood. My body was covered with blood. The blood on my body. It comes from both me and the dead person. The blood on the ground comes from the person I killed.
/“I know this dead person because he was my roommate. When I woke up, I I only remember that I killed him, but I don’t remember why I killed him. It seemed to be because of a quarrel or something else, but the scene I can remember is that I stabbed him into his body one by one with a knife. I don’t know how many knives there were, I just remember a lot of knives, and he bled a lot. Of course, he also hurt me, and I was bleeding. I can’t remember these clearly. I only remember that I killed him.
“For a person who has never killed anyone, this was such a panic and panic. So I quickly changed my clothes completely and washed off the blood stains on my body. I fled the scene. I was so panicked that I didn’t even deal with any traces of the scene. I even left the clothes I took off on the scene. At that time, I was still a person who didn’t understand anything, so I just ran away, taking with me Panic and fear.
“The person who came to hunt me was Meng Jiancheng. Of course, he was not alone, but brought many people with him. I found out this later, and I don’t know how he learned about my whereabouts. Yes, I don’t know how I entered that place by mistake. In short, we met in a sanatorium in the mountains. I was taking refuge there. It was completely deserted and there was no one there. Suddenly, Meng Jiancheng led people to find this place and found me.
“He brought a gun and arrested me easily. Because I had no strength to resist, I was arrested easily and then they left here handcuffed. But when I was leaving, I suddenly heard a sound The gunshot came from the floor behind. This gunshot attracted everyone’s attention, and it didn’t hit anyone, but me. I remember from the time I heard the gunshot to when I turned around to look, and then From feeling physical pain to losing consciousness, it only took about ten seconds. I don’t know what happened next, but when I woke up, my identity changed. “When I woke up, my identity changed.
/” When I woke up, I was already in the hospital. I was scared and strange at the time, until I saw Captain Fan appear in front of my hospital bed. He told me that I was now his detective. When I heard this statement I just thought it was incredible and thought I heard it wrong, but Captain Fan told me with certainty that I was his agent. I knew that I was carrying a murder case, and Captain Fan told me that I had not committed any murder, nor had I committed any crime, because the person I was worried about in the murder case was Meng Jiancheng, who was the suspect, and I was the detecti

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