

Immortal Lord Penglai nodded slightly and walked into Penghu Hall with Xu Ying.
There is a cave in the Penghu Hall. Standing in the hall and looking up, you can see that the space inside the hall is like a gourd, with the lower part being larger and the upper part being smaller, and the zenith cannot be seen.
A ray of fairy light fell from the sky and shone on a woman. The woman had an ordinary appearance, but when she moved her steps, she saw that the fairy light also moved with it.
“Mr. Xu, are you okay?” the woman asked with a smile.
Xu Ying smiled and said, “Could it be that we met before?”
The woman was the goddess, and said: “Of course I have seen it. You came here and lived here for a while. Immortal Lord, I am here to unlock the memory seal for Mr. Xu, please excuse me, Immortal Lord.”
Penglai Immortal Master’s eyes flashed and he said with a smile: “Goddess, you have always made clever calculations. You should know my intentions.”
The goddess nodded slightly.
The Immortal Master of Penglai turned around and walked out of the Penghu Hall. The goddess motioned Xu Ying to sit down and said: “Back then, I did divination for Dongyue and left a letter for Beidi, and finally asked you to come to Penglai. This time you come to Penglai, and you will be with ten thousand people.” When I came to Penglai many years ago, it was completely different.”
Xu Ying sat on the futon opposite her. Facing this mysterious woman who can see into the future, he is also quite curious. Can anyone really see what will happen in the future?
Xu Ying during the Great Shang Dynasty didn’t know about Nuo method, so although his realm was high, his strength was not very strong.
Although Xu Ying possessed the Four Great Nuo Ancestor Cave Heavens at this time, his strength had not yet reached the level of the Great Shang period. However, the divine channel method he had mastered had surpassed that of himself at that time.
What he lacks is a lack of cultivation.
/The golden elixir has not been perfected and the soul has not yet been cultivated, which is his biggest shortcoming.
Smoke curled up between Xu Ying and the goddess. Xu Ying looked at the woman opposite and saw that her face gradually became ethereal and she became further and further away from him.
He vaguely saw the goddess opening her mouth, but smoke curled out from her mouth.
There were bursts of strange birdsong in his ears. The birdsong became louder and louder, and gradually turned into thousands of overlapping sounds, roaring and vibrating.
Xu Ying’s mind was dizzy, and suddenly all the sounds disappeared, leaving only one voice.
“Promise, promise. Remember your last name, don’t forget your first name. Wake up, wake up.”
“wake up!”
Xu Ying opened his eyes suddenly and saw a magnificent sacred city, Chaoge.
Behind Chaoge City, the huge body of the God of Plague filled the sky, with tentacles hanging down.
And in the Chaoge Divine City, there are many gods who respect the gods. Their divine power distorts the sky, forming twisted and rotating rays of

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