
gy and murderous intent, heading straight for the golden-winged roc.

On the earth, mountains and rivers rumbled, and the majestic dragon roared and raised its head, gathering the power of all directions to manifest a dark dragon that was more than several thousand meters long.
This world was created by Lord Xinzun. He captured the secret realm, merged with the small world, and finally took it into his own body. It has unpredictable power. Because he is in prison and restricted by the two qi of yin and yang, it is difficult to use many magical powers, and he can only rely on the most primitive basic strength to fight.
The degree of weakening is unimaginable, and only the frame is left after removing the flesh and blood, but even so, the great power is still far beyond the imagination of ordinary monks. For example, Bai Jin and She Zhang were staring blankly from a distance. One was using his sword and the other was manifesting his body as a flying snake. They were both rejected by this world. Without Xin Zunjun’s nod, they couldn’t even enter the battlefield.
“Ho ho ho!”
/The demonic sound roared, the dark sky python rolled, the black giant beast surrounded the golden light and tore madly, and even the giant dragon circled, exerting the majestic power of the earth.
Suddenly, the golden light turned dim, and Yinglong’s shadow roared out. The roar intimidated the python and made it difficult to move. Those who were slightly closer were directly shattered by the sound waves.
For a time, the black mist rolled in even more momentum.
Immediately afterwards, the four-color halo of green, white, red and black unfolded, and the four phantoms of the green dragon, white tiger, red bird, and Xuanwu appeared at the same time, surrounding Yinglong’s image and suppressing the entire sky in an instant.
The Four Spirits of Heaven!
The sky is no longer dark, and the four stars are shining across the sky. The dragon python is unable to return to the sky, roaring and wailing before disappearing.
The dragon of the earth’s veins roared up, extending its body of a thousand meters from the earth, and continued to grow until it was ten thousand meters away. It fought Yinglong regardless of the outcome, unleashing the mighty power of the earth, forcing the four spirits to be unable to get close.
/In the midst of the battle between the giant beasts, the golden-winged roc soared into the sky, hung high in the sky, paused for a moment, and then swooped down, spreading its wings and roaring in the mist.
The golden light sank into the huge mouth of the Earth Dragon Abyss, and as the earth and rocks shattered, the mountains and rivers changed their colors. The Earth Dragon exploded layer by layer. Half of its body tilted and collapsed like a pillar of heaven. After falling to the ground, it shattered into dust. After several silent wails, it finally came back again. Difficult to gain momentum.
Dragon slaying!
The two major skills suppress the sky and suppress the earth’s veins, completely suppressing a world in just a few breaths.

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