
this breath, his white hair began to shrink and soon returned to normal.

He stood up and said in a deep voice: “Okay. I believe you once.”
Xu Ying also stood up and said with a smile: “Back then, I was a famous man of great faith in the Three Realms. No one knew about me. I will do what I say and what I do will bear fruit. You can rest assured, Master Zuo.”
King Pei Yizhen couldn’t help but said: “Tao Master, he is not a disciple of the Chaos Lord, so he cannot make decisions for the Chaos Lord! What’s more, he wants us to enter the Chaos Sea, and there is no ship for us yet!”
/“I have a boat.”
Xu Ying smiled slightly and said, “There are many, many ships, which can ensure that you will not be disturbed by the Chaos Sea in the ship.”
When King Pei Yizhen heard this, he couldn’t help but hesitate: “Is he really a disciple of the Chaos Lord? Otherwise, how could he be so well prepared, even the boat is ready?”
Master Zuo Lian said: “Being able to bring Zhong Qian with the brand of the Chaos Lord represents the attitude of the Chaos Lord. I believe in him.”
King Pei Yizhen stopped talking and thought: “There must be a great will in the chaos that interferes with the operation of the spiritual world.”
Xu Ying suggested: “Before you two leave, can you pass on the Taoism and Dharma that you have learned and understand, and leave it to the people in the spiritual world to benefit future generations?”
King Pei Yizhen sneered: “You want to learn, right?”
Xu Ying said with a smile: “I originally had nothing to do with your affairs, but I was implicated in them, so it makes sense for me to pass on my secret knowledge to you two.”
Taoist Master Zuolian said: “My Tao has been taught.”
Xu Ying was stunned, and immediately turned to look at Changsun Shenghai. His jealousy was so red that it could bleed, and he said in a trembling voice: “Senior Brother, did Master Zuo teach you his Taoism?”
Changsun Shenghai smiled slightly and nodded.
Xu Ying looked hopeful and said to Master Zuolian: “Master Zuolian, if, I mean if, after your successor dies, will you find another successor?”
His eyes were bright, as if as long as Taoist Master Zuo Lian nodded, he would immediately kill Changsun Shenghai and become the successor of Taoist Zuo Lian.
Master Zuolian said: “Yes. But I will first get rid of the person who killed my disciple.”
Xu Ying gave up the idea and cast a jealous look at Changsun Shenghai.
“Fellow Daoist Xu, my Hongmeng Avenue can be passed down from generation to generation.” Pei Yizhen said kingly.
Taoist Zuo Lian shook his head and said: “Pei Yi, no need. I have already passed the Hongmeng Avenue to Changsun Shenghai. Save some time, we should get on the road.”
King Pei Yizhen nodded slowly and cast an apologetic look at Xu Ying.
Xu Ying was so jealous that he wanted to pinch Changsun Shenghai’s neck like a cormorant and squeeze out all the skills he had obtained.
Changsun Shenghai looked solemn and said: “Teacher, don’t worry, after you leave, the disciple will stay in the spiritual world and teach on be

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