
on 8.09, intuition 13.12)

Charisma: 12.28 (12.56 for courage, 9.11 for persuasion, 14.65 for personal attractiveness, 9.99 for leadership, 15.1 for physical attractiveness)
Special skills: Charm control (can charm and control creatures below the same star level through killing, intimidation, kindness, etc. The success rate of charm is directly related to charm and intelligence. This skill is a natural skill of the host. Every time the creature level increases by one star, , this skill is promoted once. This skill can be obtained when the main attributes of charm and intelligence are raised to 20 points.)
/Evolution points: X (cannot accumulate evolution points)
Items held: bone knife, confusing mirror.
Wei Xiaobei looked at Zhu Xinyi’s attribute panel and his eyes were a little straight. Did the attributes improve too fast?
The improvement in the branch attributes under the four main attributes of strength, agility, constitution, and perception is not obvious, but the branch attributes under intelligence and charm have basically been greatly improved.
Wei Xiaobei did the math. In just a moment, Zhu Xinyi’s improved attributes, converted into evolution points, were about 700 evolution points!
If we consider that Zhu Xinyi does not have an attribute panel, and the benefits gained from killing monsters are reduced by more than 20%, then the required evolution points are more than 800.
By the way, what is the confusing little mirror in this item?
“Brother Wei?”
After Zhu Xinyi saw Wei Xiaobei, she hesitated and called out tentatively. When she saw Wei Xiaobei nodded, she walked over.
“What? I don’t know you anymore?”
Wei Xiaobei knew that he was covered in ashes, but it didn’t make Zhu Xinyi even recognize him, right?
/But Zhu Xinyi touched her body, took out a small metal mirror, and handed it to Wei Xiaobei.
Wei Xiaobei took it and took a look and couldn’t help but frown.
Although he had washed his face before, it was now stained with dust, which mixed with sweat, leaving long black marks on his face.
Not to mention this appearance, if you are not a familiar person, you will not be able to recognize it.
Wei Xiaobei was a little embarrassed and threw Shang Fu’s body, backpack and other things on the grass. He washed his face with mineral water and took another look. Finally, he was able to see people.
However, Wei Xiaobei vaguely felt a power fluctuation coming from the mirror, which made him feel inexplicably familiar with the mirror. This made Wei Xiaobei’s heart move, and he secretly landed an attribute probe on the mirror.
Confusion Mirror: This object is a mutation of a small metal mirror that Zhu Xinyi brought from reality to the gray world. It has a slight confusion effect and can enhance the effect of charm control. Each time the host successfully charms and controls a monster, the effect of this object can be slightly improved.
I see.
Wei Xiaobei probably understood that this mirror was originally Zhu Xinyi’s personal belongings in reality, and then mutated into this confusing little mirror

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