
not because the two soldiers are brave, but because all the soldiers here understand that all this is fake and not a real death.

The anger is only because he was eliminated from the game. Anyone who is eliminated by such an irresistible accident will not be in a good mood.
The ‘Tearing Flying Insects’ group flew over the boulders and did not see their previous targets. Just as David had judged, they immediately set their targets on the two galloping soldiers two kilometers away.
Because he was in the virtual world of warriors, David did not have the help of the Shadow Warrior. In addition, the perception of the ‘Tearing Flying Insect’ was very sensitive, and the scanning device on the exoskeleton armor did not dare to be used at will, so David and James stayed underground for a while.
After two minutes, David raised the shield.
/“Let’s go back and get the sniper rifle!” David said in a deep voice, looking at the group of ‘tearing flying insects’ that were already five kilometers away.
“You don’t want to snipe the ‘Tearing Flying Insect’, do you?” James couldn’t help being surprised when he heard David’s words.
He knew very well that the only thing that could pose a threat to the ‘Tearing Flying Insect’ here was long-range sniping.
But if there are only a dozen or so ‘Tearing Flying Insects’, a sniper rifle might still be able to produce good results. But in fact, this group of fifty ‘Tearing Flying Insects’ has no sound isolation equipment. There are no powerful soldiers to stop you. If you use a sniper rifle, you will be targeted again soon.
“I don’t like to sit around and wait for death!” David was already turning around and running away, saying as he ran.
Many of the soldiers watching the game guessed that there were external forces affecting the game.
Because when David was using a sniper rifle for sniping, he was the one who received the most attention among all the soldiers present.
Many viewers put their perspective on David, so when the group of ‘tearing flying insects’ appeared out of thin air, they all saw it.
Only the top brass of the military or government can do this.
So soon there were voices of protest, complaining to the government and the military about this behavior.
It’s just that no one took these complaints seriously. There was a statement in the Lenka Cup competition that all explanations belong to the organizers.
The organizers are the military and the government, and the person who gave the order is Lieutenant General Dane of the military. There will be no response at all to such complaints.
However, Lieutenant General Dane, who was sitting in the conference room at this time, looked very unhappy. Although his order was executed, the effect did not meet his expectations.
Fifty ‘Tearing Flying Insects’ did not kill the soldiers who disrupted the Lenka Cup. Instead, they madly slaughtered other participating soldiers in the insect tower.
Lieutenant General Dane, who has been in a high position for a long time, does not like this kind of accident that ruins his plan. Although it

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