
f White Lotus Blossom is not very good, it can only make the opponent’s mind temporarily confused.

But even so, Wei Xiaobei also learned a lot of magic knowledge from Master Merlin.
Later, Wei Xiaobei followed suit and took out the secret of fighting spirit from the Knights of the Round Table.
By this time, the value of the two to Wei Xiaobei had been greatly reduced, but Wei Xiaobei did not deal with Master Merlin and the Knights of the Round Table. Instead, he knocked them out and sent them to the Aoki Paradise, under the care of Zhao Yun. .
/To put it simply, Wei Xiaobei treated the two of them as experimental subjects. He wanted to see what changes would happen to the mage and the Knights of the Round Table in an environment like Aoki Paradise.
/Within an hour, Wei Xiaobei returned to Lunquan City and found the Prime Minister.
To say that the Prime Minister worked hard, Wei Xiaobei was quite satisfied when he saw the hard disk cabinets piled up one after another.
These hard drive cabinets contain approximately three per cent of the UK’s scientific and technological information.
Just hearing this percentage seems very small, but you must know that the scientific and technological system of a country, a modern industrial country, is extremely huge, and it cannot be distinguished by simple physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology, etc., it is just like a A huge root system is constantly subdivided and subdivided. The amount of scientific and technological data is unimaginable to ordinary people.
To put it simply, just the alloy blending and refining technology under the steel branch of the industrial branch has several hard disk cabinets with technological information, and there are millions of types of technological information like this!
This is no exaggeration at all. In industry alone, there are thousands of types of steel, electronics, etc., and each industrial branch will be subdivided into thousands of branches, including high-level alloy blending and smelting. Production technology, including low-tech ore crushing technology and so on.
It can be said that with the continuous advancement of science and technology in human society, just a piece of paper may involve no less than thousands of science and technologies from raw materials, production, transportation, and sales.
This is the precipitation accumulated by the development of human science and technology over the years.
But this also makes collecting all the scientific and technical data completely beyond Wei Xiaobei’s previous imagination. It is extremely cumbersome and difficult, and the time required is by no means the weeks that Wei Xiaobei thought before.
After discovering this, Wei Xiaobei immediately classified the scientific and technological data that needed to be collected.
First, focus on collecting industrial scientific and technological data. After all industrial scientific and technological data are collected, other data will be collected.
At this point, the Prime Minister couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

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