
addition, dangers can also move. Standing on the same mountain, you may escape the flood that just washed down, or you may be buried by a landslide.

Before the danger breaks out, it is difficult to say whether it will really affect your life.
/Well, it’s that simple.
Of course, if you don’t know the danger exists, you may die faster!
But if Wei Xiaobei were to give up right now, Wei Xiaobei would probably regret it!
What should be done?
Although 910 evolution points have been accumulated, Wei Xiaobei does not plan to use them for the time being.
After all, even if these evolution points are invested in attributes, at most they can increase a few attributes to 20 points and increase one or two abilities.
Haha, Wei Xiaobei doesn’t think that with these two extra abilities, he can fight against the power of Baita Mountain!
There is no doubt that rewards and risks coexist. This sentence is the absolute truth in the gray world!
Even Wei Xiaobei wanted to make a few dice and use mysterious luck to make decisions for himself.
Sitting next to the stream, Wei Xiaobei felt a little hungry.
Although before entering the gray world, Wei Xiaobei had a good meal at the farmhouse, which made his stomach full.
But this does not mean that Wei Xiaobei will not be hungry after entering the gray world.
At any other time, Wei Xiaobei would have suppressed this hunger.
But at this time, Wei Xiaobei felt very relaxed and simply prepared to replenish his energy.
After all, he didn’t bring his backpack. If possible, Wei Xiaobei would not refuse to keep his stomach full.
After finding a large pile of dry firewood, Wei Xiaobei jumped into the stream and after touching for a while, he caught a grass carp weighing more than two kilograms.
Wei Xiaobei frowned. Compared to silver carp, silver carp, crucian carp and other fish, the meat quality of this grass carp is worse and a bit rough.
But Wei Xiaobei didn’t intend to throw the grass carp back, so he pulled out the white mist knife and started killing the fish and cleaning it up.
The current Baiwu knife is much sharper than before. The tip of the knife scrapes off the fish and easily removes all the fish scales.
However, Wei Xiaobei did not dare to use the white mist knife too much, lest the corrosive poison invade the fish flesh.
/You can still control a little, but if you have too much, you’ll be in trouble.
After cleaning the grass carp and putting it on a small whittled stick, Wei Xiaobei put his left hand under the firewood.
There was only a soft crackling sound of electric current arcing, and a ball of green flames emerged from under the firewood. Wei Xiaobei hurriedly retracted his hand.
He wasn’t very afraid of electricity, but the fire could still burn his skin.
Although his recovery ability is very strong now, there is no need to do so. You must know that the injuries he suffered in the martial arts gym in Cuihu City in the gray world have not yet healed, and his combat effectiveness has also been slightly affected.
The firewood was relatively dry. Wei Xiaobei

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