
turned into a ghost, he is naturally not an ordinary ghost.

Something is indeed not quite right.
Wei Xiaobei stretched out his left hand and looked at it. He couldn’t help but be shocked. A layer of green suddenly appeared on his hand, and then pustules appeared one after another, and his heart couldn’t help but hurt.
/He was tricked without knowing it!
At this time, a layer of green appeared on Wei Xiaobei’s attribute panel, and his overall attributes dropped by 20%, and continued to decrease.
This plague ghost is indeed quite powerful, but I underestimated these evil ghosts!
“How dare you do this!”
At this time, Wei Xiaobei had no idea of ??continuing to communicate with these evil ghosts. What a joke. If he delayed any longer, his attributes would continue to drop, which would be fatal.
This time, Wei Xiaobei launched his ultimate move directly!
Light and heat appeared all over the body, and the Golden Crow in the Dantian was instantly activated. Its head popped out from Wei Xiaobei’s shoulder, and then he opened his mouth and a stream of light and heat spurted out!
The extremely hot light and heat hit the plague ghost instantly!
To be honest, the plague ghost probably didn’t expect that Wei Xiaobei would discover his plot and take action without any hesitation.
Well, the plague ghost originally planned to use the disease he brought to Wei Xiaobei to threaten him and make him use the rat weapon.
After all, in the view of the plague ghost, the disease caused by his own hands cannot be cured except by himself.
The light and heat suddenly exploded on the plague ghost, and in an instant it turned into a blazing sun, enveloping the plague ghost and even several evil ghosts around it!
The painful sound of ghost cries was immediately heard in the sun, but this sound did not last long before dissipating.
Seeing this scene, the other evil ghosts couldn’t help but feel a chill in their hearts.
They are all evil ghosts attached to the gate of hell, so they can accurately sense each other’s status.
What makes them unbelievable is that in just a moment, the auras of the plague ghost and other evil ghosts disappeared, which means that they were burned into nothingness in the sun!
But at this time, these evil spirits couldn’t help but retreat.
Wei Xiaobei rushed towards him with all the fire in his body. Although his right hand needed to hold the dragon scale pot on his shoulder, his left hand showed no mercy at all and easily grabbed the head of a kid. The next moment, the light was hot. Thunder and lightning appeared at the same time!
Bang! With a soft sound, the little ghost was heated by light, and burned by thunder and lightning without a trace!
The remaining evil spirits were sad, angry and frightened, but they had no choice but to fight against them.
After leaving the gate of hell, it is more difficult for them to go back, at least when the enemy is facing them, they cannot go back.
You know, the will of Guimenguan is above them.
The drowned ghost raised a wave of water and rushed to

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