
he Xuanhua ax will definitely not split you into pieces, it will only split you into two pieces!

While facing a stalemate with Xuanhua Banxu, Wei Xiaobei’s mind was spinning rapidly.
This speed of operation was so fast that even the beads of sweat on Wei Xiaobei’s forehead were completely evaporated, leaving only a little bit of white salt powder.
White mist knife!
/As soon as he thought of this, Wei Xiaobei immediately distanced himself, shook his spear, and sent the two Xuanhua axes flying out one by one. His technique was extremely precise, causing the two Xuanhua axes to hit two human-shaped wooden stakes respectively. Mu Zhuang is in awe of high-level weapon demons like Xuanhua Banxe.
But the Xuanhua Banaxe’s attack angered the human-shaped wooden stakes. Their instinctive reaction was to put their hands together to tightly restrain the Xuanhua Bantanaxe, making them want to break free from the human-shaped wooden stakes for a while. More difficult.
Taking advantage of the entanglement between the Xuanhua ax and the human-shaped wooden stake, Wei Xiaobei stretched out his hand and rotated it a few times, then took the gun head off the gun barrel, then pulled out the white mist knife and made it out of a tree root. Tie it to the front of the barrel with a string.
In order to ensure that the white mist knife would not fall off due to a violent impact, Wei Xiaobei used a lot of thin ropes. After binding these circles, the gun head was directly wrapped into a spindle shape. Only the white mist knife was left. A bit of the tip of the knife is exposed.
In terms of appearance, the big gun at this time is like a big hornet’s nest tied to the barrel, which is extremely ugly.
But Wei Xiaobei is quite satisfied. It doesn’t matter if the shape is a bit ugly, as long as it works.
At this moment, the two Xuanhua axes broke free from the shackles of the human-shaped wooden stakes. The furious Xuanhua axes collided with each other and then came together to form a new weapon with the ax handles connected and the two ax heads outside.
Wei Xiaobei has never seen this thing before, but its power is not small. It rushed up to the sky, spun and fell, and split the two human-shaped wooden piles into pieces.
Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei tightened the gun in his hand and waved it twice to quickly adapt to the weight of the gun after attaching the Baiwu knife.
For a master of martial arts at Wei Xiaobei’s level, the gap between holding a familiar weapon and an unskilled weapon is a bit big.
But fortunately, the weight of the big gun has not changed much when the Baiwu knife is used as the gun head. The only trouble is that the bunch of tree root strings used to bind the Baiwu knife make the air resistance a bit large. .
But at this time, Wei Xiaobei didn’t care so much anymore. When he saw the one-piece Xuanhua board ax leaping into the sky again, he fixed his eyes on it. When it spun and fell, he moved quickly. , in order to avoid its spinning attack.
To be honest, compared to other monsters, the body structur

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