
this wild dragon is indeed very resistant. Even if the weakest tip of the nose is hit hard, it doesn’t seem to be a big deal. The body moves back and its tail sweeps over with a whistling sound.

Before the tail could sweep over, the diamond mace in Wei Xiaobei’s hand hit the barbarian dragon on the chin again!
Blow! Shock!
The two special effects were activated at the same time. In an instant, the savage dragon’s chin spattered with blood, mixed with some white bone residue.
Just like that, most of the beast’s jaw was shattered.
Compared with this effect, it is not surprising that the electric current does a little damage, but the advantage is that it slows down the Barbarian Dragon’s reaction speed a lot.
Just when Wei Xiaobei used the diamond mace to gain the upper hand and drove the off-road vehicle all the way, Zhou Xingyuan’s panic calmed down a little.
The grassland was very large, and Zhou Xingyuan did not know the direction in his panic, so he bypassed the forest. After more than ten minutes, he saw a dilapidated school gate standing in the distance.
“Green Lake University?”
/To be honest, Zhou Xingyuan had been guessing where this place was.
But when he saw the dilapidated gate of Cuihu University, Zhou Xingyuan felt a chill in his heart.
Doomsday theories immediately arose in Zhou Xingyuan’s heart.
This is an inevitable thought.
Wei Xiaobei also had this idea when he first entered the gray world.
No way, with a dilapidated scene like this, it’s hard not to think of this.
But just when Zhou Xingyuan felt a chill in his heart, there was a violent crashing sound from the buildings on the left, dust filled the air, and many shaky buildings were collapsing.
What happened over there?
Zhou Xingyuan was startled, so he turned the off-road vehicle in a circle and pointed the front of the vehicle in the direction of the grassland. After all, there was no road here. If something unexpected happened, if he wanted to escape, he would have to turn back to the direction of the forest. .
Not long after, a red humanoid monster rushed out of the dilapidated building complex. The building behind it was directly rushed out of a large hole. After that, the load-bearing structure was severely damaged and had to collapse. Go down.
What kind of monster is that!
/Its whole body is covered with a layer of red flesh and blood, without muscles, blood vessels, skin, hair and other tissues. It is like a pile of crushed and stirred flesh and blood directly covering a skeleton.
But just like that, this humanoid monster is still able to move and has an eye growing on its face.
That’s right, there is an eye right where the other person’s mouth should be.
As a result, the image of this humanoid monster is somewhat terrifying.
Zhou Xingyuan almost screamed. Without any hesitation, he took out the pistol from his arms, started the car, and ran back towards the way he came from.
The off-road vehicle was not slow to start, but the red humanoid monster was faster.
The off-road vehicle was speeding up. Zhou Xingyuan

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