
ate in a short period of time.

“The next practice will not be so easy.” Wang Xuan traveled in the sea of ??myths and endured the impact of a large number of rule fragments. He had realized that the source-level Taoist source here would not have such a big effect on him.
If he were in the early stage of being a stranger, the “source-level” Tao charm contained in the Taoist rocks here would most likely allow him to advance to five or six minor realms.
In the later period, he was promoted from the 6th Heaven to the 9th Heaven, crossing three realms, and the effect of improvement was significantly weakened.
“It seems that I have to spend some time to get through it.” He was not surprised or disappointed. Compared to others, he was singing along and making rapid progress, which was fast enough.
During this period, he was still collecting the secret stone fragments. Even if they were of limited use to himself, they were still valuable. If they were given to old friends, they would definitely be of great use to them.
“Treasure-level Taoist stones, 14-color rare stones are still of great use to me!” There was a bright light in his eyes.
It’s a pity that all the 14 colored stones are in Jedi, and the Lupo boss on the other side who is on the verge of complete death is located in the deepest part of the eye of the sea.
In the following years, Wang Xuan not only tempered his body and spirit in the sea of ??myths, but also explored various places. He would not risk his life and sneak into the depths of those forbidden areas, but he would wander around the relevant areas, waiting for opportunities.
The woman inside the stone slab took the initiative to appear, and her shadow emerged.
Wang Xuan was surprised that for so many years, the woman had always avoided him and did not want to be a sparring partner. Every time, he took the initiative and forced her to come out to spar.
The woman had a rare self-awakening this time, and her consciousness was clear, and she told him that she felt the stone slab that sealed the true blood of her body!
This is a huge pit, one of the forbidden areas. Compared with the mysterious sea eye, the danger level is not weak at all.
It is a huge pit with a name, called the Sky Cave, because, even in peaceful times, the native people on the other side are not willing to approach it because the radiation is too strong.
Wang Xuan’s two 14-color strange stones were dug out from inside. They only touched each other for a moment, which caused severe pain all over his body. If it weren’t for the isolation of the fog, he thought he might mutate physically.
On the other side, there are all kinds of weird ethnic groups, such as weird bugs, inexplicable beasts, etc. In fact, this was not the case in the early years, and it was all caused by radiation.
/Wang Xuan said: “This place is quite dangerous and very difficult to access, especially since it is very deep down.”
/The woman did not speak and became silent.
“I’ll give it a try.” Wang Xuan stood in the fog and dived slowly. If the situation went w

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