
of light.

“No, this guy is weird, please get back as soon as possible.”
In the small world, there are the four spirits of heaven above and the five elements and five phenomena below. On the edges of the cracks, black and white swimming fish can be vaguely seen.
The terrifying scene made the old demon Moxue take a breath. Although he didn’t know who Lu Bei was, he also knew that this person practiced a mysterious and unparalleled skill. He could refine the body of the void and cut off the body, so the long scythe might not be his opponent.
The idea was right, but it was too late.
The white training came to an end, the blade swept across, and the bright white light broke through the void in an instant.
/Like a volcano that has accumulated for countless years, it erupts in an instant and the white light that melts everything is everywhere.
At this moment, the strongest scythe in the battle formation was in a daze. The sky and the earth were white, and everything they saw and heard was nothingness.
The rest of the people were even more unbearable. The Immortal Sword’s killing power was tangible and intangible, and their tyrannical posture made them unable to resist, and they could not even think of resisting. Before the white light roared, the soul was exposed to the sword’s intention through vision, and perished before the physical body.
There is no life left, and this space in the small world has been killed with one knife!
“Okay, good sword intention.”
The old demon of Black Blood slightly narrowed his sinister eyes, with scarlet hidden in the two gaps. He stared at Lu Bei and said: “You said you are from Wuzhou Xuanyin Division, but I think you are a sword cultivator from Tianjian Sect, right? ”
“So what?”
Lu Bei sneered, put away the Black Demon Sword, and replaced it with the elder sword that killed Lexian.
“Junior, keep your eyes open and see clearly. Although the person doing business with me is Qi Yan, he also has the intention of you, the elder of Tianjian Sect, in it. Now go back to receive your punishment. I may have a few nice words for you. Maybe I can save your life.”
The old demon of Black Blood spoke angrily. If he wasn’t afraid of the Heavenly Sword Sect’s power in the Tribulation Stage, he would definitely peel off Lu Bei’s tendons and imprison his soul to be burned by the scorching sun every day.
Lu Bei was silent after hearing this. When he followed Wu Laoxie and Feimang, he saw that the electric network turned a deaf ear to the monsters, so he guessed that the gathering of monsters here was inseparable from the Tianjian Sect.
It’s still a bit of a fluke.
In the past, he had nothing to do with the Tianjian Sect. He pursued the Immortal Sword Intention just to obtain a powerful skill, and had no feelings for the Tianjian Sect, which was destined to perish in the rebellion.
Not good or bad, don’t care, just like a passerby.
Later, when I became familiar with Zhan Hongqu and Zhan Lexian, I felt that not all of the Tianjian Sect were rebels. Many of them were pure swordsmen who w

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