
her and sister, the voice on the intercom rang, and the voice sounded like Yang Xuguang’s tone.

Pei Jiao was surprised and asked strangely: “Oh? What do you mean? And how is the situation over there?”
Yang Xuguang smiled bitterly and said: “It’s terrible. The number of ghosts that have materialized this time is far more than before, and their quality is also frighteningly high. There are even seven or eight ghosts that have reached the peak of the demonic level, and are only a little short of it.” It can show its aura. As for the true demon-level ghost, alas, even Gong Yeyu can’t feel where it is. I guess we can only deal with it when it completely becomes a true demon-level. Let’s not mention these for now. Thinking of a way to solve it, the key problem is that twenty minutes ago, several major cities around the world discovered embodied ghosts. Although the quantity and quality cannot be compared with the headquarters of various countries’ soul organizations, but For these cities that are almost undefended, it is already a huge panic and disaster, one of which is Taipei.”
Pei Jiao muttered the name of Taipei silently, and then quickly searched for the map of China beside him. After a while, he smiled bitterly and said: “I know what you mean, that will is not only in the east, but also It’s the will of the person who just died. In other words, there is a great possibility that this special soul is in Taipei, and it is likely that he died due to the influence of the ghost’s manifestation, right?”
Yang Xuguang’s voice continued: “Yes, according to your current location, it is already the most coastal area of ??China, but it is still in the southeast. Places with large overseas populations do not think about it except Taiwan. So the problem now is that due to political reasons, this special soul may have to give up. It is impossible for this military transport plane to fly into Taiwan. The government has too many concerns. Although it is an extremely important person, A special soul, but as long as you are not a high-level escapee, the government will not be able to suppress this political dispute, so what is your decision?”
/Pei Jiao smiled bitterly and said: “What do you mean by my decision? I just joined the Chinese Soul Organization, and I had a big conflict with the government before. This time we entered Fengdu Fantasy Land, wasn’t the original intention to reconcile with the government? ? So it’s not good to embarrass the government again at this time, or even cause any conflicts. Forget it, I will go back to Beijing. Let’s just call it an accident this time.”
/Pei Jiao felt something different in his heart. He smiled bitterly and said: “It seems that there must be someone with a mind like you in my team. Otherwise, we will be at a huge disadvantage. As you said, we are very different from each other.” We have to be on guard at all times, even if there is a hub like Gong Yeyu, but what if something happens to this hub one day? So I can’t leave my back to you with peace of mind. I must find my own part

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