
level of demon, to be honest, is really not as painful as those ordinary attacks, and the damage is completely negligible.

That’s all, Novi Tairon felt the scent of a demonic soul from the elf female mage. The standard energy in this elf female mage’s body was very rich, even stronger than before. Many of the demon-level souls I have seen are more mixed, but the soul obsession of this female elf mage is too complicated. Novi Tyrone even thought that this was a ghost that had taken away the body. Such a complicated soul It’s really rare.
But regardless of these, Novi Tailonger’s strength is really very powerful. He is a real demon-level strongman. At this moment, when his true intention is gradually clear, his strength has reached the peak of six. Although it is only 60%, you must know that when he is at his peak, he can compete with Gong Yeyu of the true demon level. This strength is already slightly more powerful than an ordinary true demon level strongman. In the face of all mortal things, he was too embarrassed to use all his strength. He just killed a dozen people on the spot, leaving seven or eight crippled elf soldiers and the elf female mage. Then Novi… 183; Tyrone’s attention has been focused on the group of stupid humans.
The group of humans seemed to be stupid. They all just climbed on the rocks without moving. They all looked at Novi Tailonger stupidly. After a long time, one of the young men suddenly shouted loudly: : “Lord Novi Tyrone! It’s Lord Novi Tyrone! Oh, I knew you would not die, and our human heroic spirits must not have perished yet.”
This young man was so excited that he even forgot that he was climbing on the cliff. When his hands relaxed, the whole person immediately slid down the cliff, but thanks to Novi Talon Erli Not far away, a blue hurricane rolled past, and Novi Tyrone had already placed the young man firmly on the path.
Seeing this, the rest of the humans breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly, several people started crying loudly. They all slowly slid down and then stood firm on the path. For a while, this group of people couldn’t move at all. They didn’t know what to say or even what expression to make. They could only cry loudly or cry silently, looking at each other with only the sadness of the rest of their lives.
/The only exception was the young man. He shouted excitedly and began to talk in a somewhat haphazard manner about Novi Tyrone, from the initial outbreak of ghosts to the final appearance of the alien race. During this period, he and a large number of city residents were saved by a group of human souls who called themselves souls. They called this group of human souls heroic spirits, which means the heroic spirits formed after the death of heroes in myths and legends. .
But the number of people who narrated all this is not large. They are not people from this mountainous area, but migrated from another mountainous area. When they were on the plains, they were slaughtered and captured by many foreign races. More than 80% of them were captured. The remaining People

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