
, and not only flying monkeys, but also parasitized humans.

What frightened Hull and his men was that the parasitized people actually knew how to shoot. It was obvious that the intelligence of the parasitic life forms was much higher than originally imagined.
Fortunately, both parasitic life forms and flying monkeys all have a common weakness, which is their inability to see through invisibility.
The assassins in the team finally have a role to play. Not only are they responsible for exploring the path, but when they encounter lone flying monkeys or parasites, that is the moment when they show their skills.
To deal with flying monkeys, weapons such as darts and crossbows that do not make too much noise are used. These black flying monkeys are dangerous, but their bodies are too fragile. They can be fatal with just one knife, and poison is also effective. The assassins’ darts, Crossbow arrows are all poisonous, so one dart will kill them.
The assassins are no longer afraid of dealing with parasites, because they have sharp weapons given by magicians, which are various sealing charms.
With these sealing talismans, you don’t even need to risk getting close to the parasitized person. You just need to use a slingshot to shoot the sealing talismans from a distance. Otherwise, it would be equally effective to place the sealing talisman on the path that the parasitized person must pass and let them step on it.
Using this “despicable” fighting method, several assassins killed a large number of parasitized people. From this point of view, it can be seen that intelligent creatures are intelligent creatures after all. Those semi-intelligent races that only possess partial intelligence, even if they have Powerful, but as long as its weaknesses are found, it will still be easily eliminated by intelligent races.
Different from the previous efforts to capture a test subject, this time the assassins only wanted to eliminate the enemy as much as possible, so once the seal was successful, the assassins handed over the next work to the magicians behind them.
What the magicians have to do is very simple. They only need to use space levitation to lift the sealed parasite to the space fold, and then launch a dimensional blade there.
The dimensional blade is an advanced magic. With the strength of a super magician, it cannot be used many times in a day. Fortunately, the sealed parasites are gathered together and destroyed. One dimensional blade can destroy dozens or even hundreds of sealed creatures. body.
The dimensional blade is not that powerful originally, but it is different when using this magic in places with space folds. Because of the superposition of space magic effects, the dimensional blade will transform into a terrifying dimensional tear.
That’s not simply tearing a large object into small pieces. Dimensional tearing is to completely separate the object into a particle state. No matter how powerful the regeneration ability is, those parasites will definitely die.
/But as they got closer and closer to the center of

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