
n Yuan is almost full!

Lin Yuan found it strange that there were so many people booking sketching classes today.
/Zhong Yu was secretly amused, and came over to him mysteriously and said in his ear: “Master, the number of reservations today is so high, it’s because we made big news yesterday, and I organized it!”
Lin Yuan asked: “How big is it?”
Zhong Yu was stunned for a moment, and just as he was about to answer, there was a sudden noise at the door of the painting club, and then he saw an energetic old man walking in slowly.
Professor Kong An from the Art Department!
Zhong Yu murmured: “It’s just that big.”
At this time, Kong An had already reached the exhibition area of ​​the painting club.
The corner of the exhibition was covered with paintings by masters of the painting department. He paused slightly and looked at the ten-level paintings on the wall. Finally, his eyes stopped at the two sketches with Lin Yuan’s name written on the left.
See these two paintings.
Kong An suddenly shook his body.
Then he asked softly: “Is Lin Yuan here?”
Immediately, a student showed the way and led Kong An to Lin Yuan’s side.
Kong An showed a kind smile and looked at Lin Yuan as if looking at a rare treasure.
Facing the elders, Lin Yuan stood up politely.
Kong An looked at him and nodded: “You must be Lin Yuan, don’t be nervous. I’m here to ask you, do you want to consider joining our art department?”
Lin Yuan shook his head.
Kong An smiled, looked at Zhong Yu, and coughed lightly.
Zhong Yu was a little panicked, thinking that the incident he organized had caused trouble to Lin Yuan.
But seeing Kong An’s reaction, he immediately felt relieved.
Under the other party’s hint, he understood and whispered in Lin Yuan’s ear: “Master, this is Professor Kong from our Art Department. The entire Art Department is under his control.”
Lin Yuan nodded: “Hello, Professor Kong.”
Kong An regained his smile: “Come to the Art Department and I will teach you personally.”
From the painting just now, Kong An could tell at a glance that Lin Yuan was a professional painter!
Lin Yuan is so young but has reached such a level. He can definitely be regarded as a sketching genius. Therefore, Kong An’s thoughts at the moment are not just about recruiting Lin Yuan into the art department.
He still lacks a capable apprentice.
At this time, the entire painting club gathered together. When they heard Kong An’s words, their eyes widened and everyone drooled with envy!
This is the time to accept Lin Yuan as a closed disciple!
Kong An is a very influential figure in the painting world. Being able to be his disciple is something that countless painters dream of!
It can be said that as long as Lin Yuan agrees, he will definitely occupy a place in the painting world in the future.
To everyone’s surprise, Lin Yuan seemed not to know this concept: “I don’t want to go to the painting department.”
Kong An’s smile solidified again.
He looked at Lin Yuan strangely: “You don’t like painting?”
Lin Yuan said: “I li

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