
he had encountered the terrifying armor that day. scholar.

David didn’t have time to answer Captain Goldman’s words. He rushed in front of the four people who rushed towards him, not caring about being surrounded by four people.
He had a trace of his mind inside Shadow Waiter, who was paying attention to the surrounding situation on the ceiling.
Director Kurt was pushed down behind his desk and did not get up for a while. The beautiful secretary outside also hid behind the secretary’s desk out of fear.
David was preparing to use the ‘Supernatural Army Thorn’, but he had no intention of leaving anyone alive.
He has no intention of exposing the ‘Supernormal Military Thorn’. If this thing is exposed, even Chaofan will look for him.
When David rushed forward, the ‘Supernormal Army Spur’ in his hand was swung out at the same time as he and the four of them got closer.
Within fifty centimeters, the ‘Extraordinary Military Thorn’ is the most terrifying killing weapon.
Captain Goldman saw all this. He opened his mouth to call out the name of the weapon he saw, but before he could call out, a green light appeared on his neck like a beating elf, and then disappeared again. .
The whole process took less than a second. When Director Kurt climbed up from behind his desk and carefully stuck his head out to check the situation, the bodies of the five people were slowly falling to the ground.
Director Kurt saw an incredible scene, that is, he felt that all five people fell down in just a moment.
He looked at David again. At this time, David was looking at him with empty hands.
“David, is it solved?” Director Kurt asked in disbelief.
“Director Kurt, according to your order, I will kill them!” David reminded him.
“Of course, it’s my order!” Director Kurt said without any hesitation.
He had no idea of ??going back on his word, because the five people on the ground were spurting out blood from their necks, like five blood springs, and instantly the director’s office was filled with the smell of blood.
Every time he saw David fighting, he felt the insignificance of life. According to his judgment, these five people were all soldiers.
Even a soldier without exoskeleton armor is extremely powerful, but in front of him, he turned into five corpses in a second that he didn’t see.
“Ah!” A harsh scream came from the door.
David and Director Kurt turned around and saw the beautiful secretary with a pale face looking at the five corpses on the ground with wide eyes.
The shocking and ear-piercing scream came from her mouth, but she also realized something was wrong and quickly covered her mouth with her hands.
Although this beautiful secretary works in the police station, she is just an ordinary civil servant and has never seen such a scene.
“What’s your name? Do you still have the discipline of the police?” A strong voice sounded behind the beautiful secretary, with an educational tone.
Then he pushed the beautiful secretary away with one hand, and was about to walk into the director’s office, but before he could even put

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