
y raise his hands to resist, and then a cold and cold breath followed the skeleton fist and hit his body, even if it was He was now more than ten meters tall, and his whole body was flashing with thunder and lightning. However, he was still knocked dozens of meters away under this punch. Then his body began to shrink rapidly, and the power of thunder and lightning in his body was actually blown away. This cold and cold breath was suppressed tightly, and two energies with completely different attributes conflicted and melted in his body. At the same time, his arms that resisted the blow were completely shattered. At this moment, he could not even move. Not even for a moment.

Behind the infantry array, a huge skeleton with a height of more than 20 meters stood there. Not only was this skeleton huge, but it was actually wearing a military uniform, and its military rank was the illustrious rank of major general!
“This time, he is really going to die.”
Pei Jiao lay on the ground. He also saw the extremely terrifying huge skeleton. He suddenly smiled bitterly. Maybe it was because people were about to die and they had good words. At this moment, Pei Jiao no longer had the anger before. , at this moment, he is only filled with regrets, regrets that he will never have the chance to see his relatives again, regrets that he clearly knows the outcome of human beings, but has no way to stop or change it.
/“What a shame.”
/Pei Jiao kept smiling bitterly. He silently looked at the huge skeleton that was slowly walking towards him. It was about twenty meters tall and covered more than ten meters with one step. It only took two or three seconds at most to see the skeleton. Just trample him to death
“No, you have no regrets at all about being able to die on the battlefield! As a man, you should never be afraid of fighting!”
Just when Pei Jiao was about to close his eyes and wait for death, a bold voice suddenly came from behind the huge skeleton, and then a purple thunder and lightning fell from the sky, no! It was not a thunder and lightning, but a purple sword, which slashed down from the top of the huge skull. It sounded like thunder, with a crackling sound, and the huge and arrogant skull was cut straight from the center of the head. For two paragraphs, among the remains of the huge skeleton that has not yet dissipated, a rough, yellow-skinned young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes was standing there holding a purple knife, but his eyes did not look at the skeleton infantry and skeletons around him. The cavalryman, his bright eyes were just staring at Pei Jiao, and his expression was indescribably bold and domineering.
I respect thousands of heroes!
Inexplicably, such words suddenly flashed through Pei Jiao’s mind. At this moment, he seemed to see the reincarnation of the Overlord, bold and majestic, and unmatched in tyranny.
“Hey, can you still move?”
The bold young man cut off the huge skeleton with one sword, but then he did not kill everyone as Pei Jiao imagined. Just like the domineering aura shown in his aura,

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