
e environment here is really good, quiet and elegant. Here I can read some poems and read some historical biographies. I feel that my mental state is improving. , Yes, I plan to live here for the rest of my life. The deposit is not worth worrying about. I believe I can buy a house here and live quietly.”

“Oh my god, it’s happened again. Five strangers in the town committed suicide yesterday. Oh my god, is the curse still following me, or is the demon in my body?”
“I saw it. Yes, I am sure that my mind is normal. Although I am a little anxious and irritable, I believe that I am not crazy yet. I really saw it. It was a vague human shape, somewhat similar to what is found in some religious books. The ghost mentioned has a rotten body and a terrifying appearance, but it is clearly the Nisi who committed suicide a few days ago. I am sure I saw it correctly. Although its appearance has changed greatly, the outline is indeed her! Could it be those Do people who commit suicide turn into ghosts because of the curse? I also saw it sucking the soul of another person, and that person’s soul was pulled out of the body, but that person was not dead yet, just that person’s I will never forget the look in his eyes. It was the look in Jaros’s eyes when he committed suicide. It was empty, empty, and devoid of any emotion.”
“I want to die. I feel uncomfortable and empty. I have lost everything. Yes, just die. It will be fine if you die.”
The diary ends here, and the handwriting in the last line appears messy and disorderly. Apparently the owner of this diary had his soul sucked away in the end, and he probably committed suicide in the end.
“Human civilization is over.”
Pei Jiao closed the diary silently and looked out the car window. Green mountains and green trees, blue sky and white clouds, the earth is still the same, but the human beings living on this earth are probably about to end.
/Everyone had been traveling on the bus for two days and two nights, and passed more than a dozen towns of varying sizes on the road. However, these towns were completely deserted, except for the ghosts that appeared after “smelling” the powerful souls of everyone. , there was not even a living person. Gradually, everyone felt very heavy, and they all began to guess, could it be that all human beings have perished?
“No, probably not. The number is not right. The number of those ghosts is too small. It is estimated that most of the people have fled elsewhere, probably to major cities and the like. Since the World Government dares to do this kind of absorbing living people Obsessive things, then they should naturally have certain defensive measures. It is impossible to use all mankind to complete their plans, right? Power can only take effect among the crowd, and then they will not care about power, so they We must protect the majority of people, and these people are probably concentrated in large cities.” Yang Xuguang said with certainty.
His remarks also attracted the approval of Yu Neochen, but they knew it was one thing rationally, but what

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