
ants to play this time, but the pace of war is approaching. If a coquettish old man at the end of his life goes crazy, no one knows what will happen.

Faced with this strange situation, it is inevitable for the Kingdom to actively respond. Every full-scale invasion by orcs is a test for the Alpha Kingdom. If you are not careful, the country will be destroyed and the family will be destroyed.
“You have all read the information. There must be something wrong behind Emperor Behemoth’s sudden change.
I don’t know what it is exactly, but once the orc invasion breaks out this time, it will definitely not be a small incident.
Although there are two more allies to share the pressure, once it becomes the main direction of the orcs’ attack, the pressure they need to bear is still not small.
The Southeast Province is the kingdom’s rear area. Once a war breaks out, we will not only provide money and food, but also send troops to participate in the war.
Now everyone must make preparations. If war suddenly breaks out, the troop dispatch assigned to our southeastern province should be between 150,000 and 250,000.
Although these troops are not sent out at once, the number of the first batch of expeditionary troops will not be less than 80,000 at least.
If the frontline is tense during wartime, it is normal for the amount of conscription to be doubled.
After the last all-out war and the defeat of the front line, the kingdom reached its most critical moment, but was forced to implement three-digit draw.
Sending a serf who has just laid down his hoe to the battlefield is simply giving the enemy a head. It’s all about taking human lives and delaying the orcs’ attack speed.
I invite you here today because I hope you can expand your armaments as much as possible and train as many elite troops as possible before the war breaks out.
Not only the standing army, but also ordinary serfs now have to participate in military training. Be prepared for the worst.
His Majesty has issued a secret order that from now on, the kingdom will be in a state of all-military warfare to welcome this orc invasion with the strongest possible attitude.
/After you return, you must not only prepare for war with all your strength, but also urge the lords below to expand their armies and prepare for war.
The secret order cannot be leaked. I don’t care how it is implemented. Anyway, once a war breaks out, you all have to provide me with troops capable of fighting a tough battle.
This is a race war and there are no conditions. The continent of Aslant follows the law of the jungle, and losers are not qualified to live in this continent! ”
Earl Pierce’s words made everyone tremble. Everyone’s expressions became serious.
All the people are soldiers?
What a crazy idea.
It seems like it’s just a secret order from Caesar III, but actually being able to get it here means that all the major forces in the kingdom have already discussed it in advance.
It’s unclear exactly what happened, but Hudson knew something was wrong. It was obvious that these big for

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