
ing resources, and no one teaches the specific training process. How many qualified warriors can be born purely depends on their luck.

Casting a wide net will always yield something. There is no need to cultivate your fighting spirit to a high level, as long as the base is large enough, you can cultivate an army with extraordinary strength.
Hudson is also following suit, but unfortunately the results have never been ideal. Even if the base is expanded, there are still very few geniuses.
/Perhaps this is also the reason why extraordinary armies are rare. Even if a great noble can assemble an extraordinary army of several thousand people, he has a deep foundation.
Hudson did not dare to expect to form an extraordinary army now, but it was still necessary to make his army more elite.
Now that we have qualified soldiers, we now need qualified officers. A serf soldier who has not learned any knowledge can manage a hundred and eighty people, which is almost the limit.
Unless they have experienced hundreds of battles and experienced the test of life and death on the battlefield, it is really difficult to expect them to lead troops in war.
It’s not just a matter of talent, it’s mainly due to their acquired education, which makes them accustomed to listening to their lords and not willing to use their brains when encountering problems.
Talent is rare. Most of the family members who came here last time have now stayed, and were tricked by Hudson into joining the army for training.
The ability levels of the family’s children are also uneven, but their foundation is much stronger than that of the serfs, and their development potential is also much higher.
/Even though he knew that the disciple soldiers were a double-edged sword, and that using family disciples on a large scale could easily form closed factions, Hudson couldn’t care less.
The troubles of inbreeding and interest grouping are things in the future. If we don’t strengthen our military strength first, if the Orc Empire comes over, we may not even be able to see the future.
We will wait until later to encounter any future troubles. Anyway, now Hudson needs an army with high loyalty and strong combat effectiveness to cope with the upcoming changes.
“Hudson, the invitations are ready. Take a look and see who else can be invited. Don’t miss some important people.”
Baron Redman warned.
Status determines the circle. When he was just starting out, the people he hung out with were the lowest knights, and it was very difficult to make friends with a few barons occasionally.
By now, Hudson had already half-stepped into the “upper class” of the southeastern province. Although he doesn’t have many interactions with nobles of the same level, he knows many powerful people!
The last battle against locusts was not in vain for Hudson. Most of the powerful men who participated in the operation had familiar faces.
Originally, this kind of friendship was nothing, but Bear Stearns’ “adulthood” gave him once again impressive capabilities.
I’m not sure about anything else.

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