
uation will be like is terrifying.

“I propose to use the impeachment procedure and let us vote to impeach Archbishop Choate!” Archbishop Barney of the Earth Temple proposed in a deep voice.
The impeachment proceedings against the Archbishop are a balancing act between the five temples.
Because any archbishop of the five major temples has almost the highest power in the divine world, and the archbishop is not restricted by the other four archbishops.
Once an archbishop makes a mistake, there are almost no checks and balances.
The Divine Great World is not the Divine Great World of a certain temple. It is a great world shared by the five major temples. Naturally, a certain Archbishop cannot be allowed to act at will and disrupt the operation of the Divine Great World.
Therefore, there is an impeachment procedure. As long as three of the five archbishops jointly impeach an archbishop, the archbishop can be removed from his archbishop status by relying on the impeachment procedure.
“But Archbishop Choate was chosen by the one who showed his divine grace. If we impeach him, will that person be dissatisfied?” Archbishop Julian still asked hesitantly.
“Archbishop Choate’s actions have endangered the peace of the great world of God. Even if we give an explanation to the Interstellar Federation, we still need to let Archbishop Choate remove his position as archbishop. Besides, why should we consider the Temple of War? We only need to think about it for ourselves. Just think about it!” Archbishop Barney said in a deep voice.
Archbishop Barney has naturally been dissatisfied with what the War Temple has done for a long time. The Supreme Council is close to the Earth Temple, which allows the Earth Temple to indirectly reach out to the Supreme Council.
Because of the relationship between Bishop Bolin of the Earth Temple and Speaker Gould of the Supreme Council, the Earth Temple has the best relationship with the Supreme Council among the five major temples.
However, the War Temple took action against Speaker Gould without saying hello to the Earth Temple in advance. This behavior angered Archbishop Barney.
When the War Temple encountered trouble, it was only natural that Archbishop Barney would add insult to injury.
“Yes, Archbishop Choate must pay the price!” Archbishop Adele supported.
“There has been too much trouble in the Temple of War recently!” Archbishop Ambrose also supported.
“Okay, since everyone has no objection, then I will open the impeachment circle and let everyone vote!” Archbishop Barney saw that Archbishop Adele and Archbishop Ambrose supported it, and he said with confidence.
Archbishop Barney came to a divine pattern formation on the platform, tapped his fingers on it, and the divine pattern formation glowed.
Archbishop Barney’s spiritual clone was obviously a little unfamiliar in the subsequent operations, but the spiritual clones of the three archbishops next to him all felt normal.
This Impeachment Divine Mark Array has been deployed in this fragment of public space for countless years, b

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