
at all, but it showed a strange kind of quietness.

at all, but it showed a strange kind of quietness.
I just kept leaning against the window of the cabin. Looking at the dark woods, even I was hidden in such darkness. There were no lights in the entire wooden house, and there was no light at all. There was only rain and the weirdness of the woods.
I was waiting for someone, but I didn’t know who it was. This was what my mother told me. That day in the secret room of the coffee shop, I answered her phone and she told me her identity. He told me to remember my mission, and said nothing else. Finally, he asked me to come to this cabin and wait for someone who would help me. Low claws.
This wooden house is so familiar. It was the place where the Peng family found me after I was kidnapped. It was also the place where I burned Su Jingnan’s body, and it was also the place where Zhang Ziang burned Meng Jicheng.
But now I am waiting here alone, in such a dark and quiet situation, but I am not afraid at all. The darkness around me cannot even touch me. All I think about is who this person is. What would he say to me.
Until I heard different sounds in the forest, because the sound of rain suddenly became faster and the sounds became different. I realized that this was not the sound of rain, but the sound of rain and water droplets from falling leaves falling on the umbrella, which meant that the person I was waiting for had arrived. I followed the sound and looked over, only to see a shadowy voice appear in the woods, gradually walking towards me, but when he came under the eaves, he stopped. He was wearing black and was well hidden. In the darkness, even his umbrella was black, and it covered his shoulders above.
After he stood still, he said: “Keep you waiting.”
I knew he wanted to talk to me like this, without even showing his face. After so many things, I feel more and more like a person who doesn’t show his face in front of you. , the more likely it is someone you may know, because only people who are afraid that you will know their identity will hide their appearance, Mr. Silver is. So is the person in front of me now, and even Xie Jinnan from earlier.
Since he came to see me with such thoughts, it was not easy for me to expose him, so I cut to the chase and asked him: “I was asked to wait for you here, but I don’t know who is waiting for you and why.
/” He said: “My name is Zeng Yipu, you can call me Uncle Zeng. After all, your mother and I are of the same generation. This time she asked me to help you, so we will see each other often.” He spoke
very simply, And there was almost no ending sound, and although I couldn’t see his head, I saw that his body was standing very straight, so I asked him, “Are you a soldier?”
Zeng Yipu said, “Yes. I used to be one of the one hundred and twenty-one people, but now I am basically no longer.”
I became confused and asked him: “No, this is the first time I heard this statement, can this still be removed? ?”
/Zeng Yipu still said simply and simply: “Because people who have died once have been removed from

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