
t was destroyed” was verified, but the gap between the actual situation and the expectations was somewhat different.

“Are you sure that the Alpha Kingdom’s navy has not suffered heavy losses recently?”
Pius VII asked with concern.
He was barely able to accept the enemy’s surprise attack and the destruction of his entire army. But now all this evidence points to the ghost ship.
/If the news is true, then the root cause of the entire fleet’s destruction is his own commander – he was too stupid.
Pius VII had many issues to consider. The seriousness of inbreeding in the Holy See had long been an open secret.
The Navy is so rotten internally, but what about the Army?
If those in high positions are a bunch of idiots, the Holy See will be in danger. They are nominally the top force, but their true strength to protect the seventh generation is really unknown!
Just look at the war launched against the Dwarf Kingdom. You can see that they clearly had an absolute advantage, but ended up falling into a fierce battle.
The two things were connected. Pius VII’s confidence in his own army dropped again and again.
“Your Majesty, we have verified this matter many times. The Alpha Kingdom’s naval fleet is fully equipped. Only three warships are currently being returned to the factory for repairs due to combating pirates.
/If there is a sea battle with our fleet, their fleet will at least suffer heavy losses, even if it is not completely destroyed.
That would be impossible if only a few warships were slightly damaged. ”
Ulisse replied with a serious face.
He was also unwilling to help the enemy eliminate suspicion. But there is no way, the facts are in front of us, we can’t just blame it!
Although he often does this kind of thing, the situation is obviously different now. If it is determined that the Alpha Kingdom is responsible, the two sides will inevitably go to war.
Not to mention that the Human Alliance does not agree, even within the Holy See, it is impossible to pass it.
It’s not easy to live a wealthy life, and no one wants to take an uncertain gamble. The destruction of the three major fleets not only destroyed the warships, but also everyone’s confidence in the Holy See.
“Who recommended those idiots?
Leading the fleet deep into the Sea of ​​Mist, something that even the Alphas dare not do, why should they dare to do it? ”
Pius VII asked almost roaringly.
The survivors of the fleet were either hunted by “pirates” or executed as “pirates”, and even the process of extracting confessions was omitted.
Apart from the fact that the fleet went deep into the foggy sea and was attacked by a ghost ship, no one could think of a more reasonable explanation.
“Your Majesty, there is no point in pursuing these matters now. Judging from the results on the battlefield, the ghost ship that attacked our fleet is very likely to be the legendary Holy Ghost Ghost Ship.
If the guess is correct, then it can be explained that the Alpha Kingdom assembled a fleet to destroy the ghost ship, but has not taken action for a long

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